Suzy in the Sunflowers

Suzy in the Sunflowers

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Packed Bags

Christmas Break was much needed at my house this year. I started my break off with a trip to the lake house for a couple days since my doctor told me that I shouldn't travel far away from home after tomorrow (December 29). We finished up painting Memaw's bedroom and bathroom and I relaxed a bit. I came home the following Monday and the whirlwind began. The nesting instinct kicked in that Tuesday. I started washing all of Suzy's clothes and putting them away. I put them in the drawers and took them out of the drawers over and over until I thought I had the most user friendly "set up" possible. It took 2 days to get that finished. Then the rest of the house was up on deck. I started by cleaning out cabinets in the kitchen. I didn't have any room to put her bottles and such until I cleaned them out. Then, the baseboards, walls, and pantry were tackled. The nesting instinct left as quickly as it came. I guess my body ran out of fuel and I haven't felt like doing anything since I got the kitchen cleaned. I need a cleaning fairy to come finish the rest of the Smith Residence. But, at least the nursery is finished. That makes me feel MUCH better. The only thing that is lacking are wall decorations. My friend Lindsey is painting a canvas for us and Kelli is getting the letters of her name to hang on the wall, so we have that covered, too.

The chandelier came from a garage sale that my mom's friend Shirley had in Oxford. It came from her mother's house. Scott's mom got the light from there which was bronze and pretty rough looking. Memaw got it, painted it, and cleaned all the little jewels... This is the finished product. Didn't it turn out great!

I still have to get this hung on the wall. It is a shadow box containing a diaper shirt that Scott's mom kept from when she thought he was going to be a girl. The booties were made by my Memaw Geeslin who passed away several years ago. My cousins got these and saved them for us.

This is the dresser that my grandfather redid for me. He made the diaper changing station, patched it up, painted it, and replaced the knobs. It turned out perfectly.

Over the break I have also been shopping to get stuff to take to the hospital. My friend Jill Lamar filled me in on what I need to pack for myself and Suzy. I hope that I didn't forget anything. I am glad that most of my friends have already had kiddos so they can help me out with all this stuff!!

What's in my bag?
* Boppy Pillow for nursing
* Breast pump and bottles
* Pajama pants and top (in case I need an extra set of comfy clothes)
* Yoga pants and top to wear home
* Socks and slippers for the cold tootsies
* Undergarments for nursing mamas
* toiletries

What's in Suzy's bag?
* Her "coming home outfit"
* 2 gowns
* 2 pairs of socks/booties
* mittens
* hats to keep her little head warm
* a few diapers (in case we need them on our way home) and wipes
* blankets

Things we have to remember: carseat, phone chargers, camera and batteries, and a pillow

Have I forgotten anything??

Our packed bags. Sitting and waiting... I hope we can use them sooner than later :)


  1. Add to your bag: chapstick! I missed that so much! Also your breastfeeding book!

    Add to Suzy's bag: finger nail clippers.They don't have any in the hospital, and if her nails are long at delivery, you'll want to cut those jokers before they cut you!

  2. Sounds like you've about got it done! I exclusively breastfed Reid for over 13 months so if u need any help in that department let me know! And (just my opinion) there is no need to take a breast pump with u, I wouldn't even worry about messing with a pump until you & Suzy have nursing down pat. If for some random reason you needed one the hospital has them. The boppy is a must for sure & I used my nursing cover ALL the time. Mine is from etsy & it's nice & big so it covers very well. Good luck!!
