Suzy in the Sunflowers

Suzy in the Sunflowers

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Cranky Baby = Naptime

Suzy is doing much, much, much better since her battle with RSV. You cannot even tell that she was ever even sick. I am so glad that she battled through that illness like a champ. It was absolute torture on her and us.
Even though Suzy was feeling better, this outfit made me a little sick. Of course, Gigi and Pops put this little number on her while she was at their house (per Scott's request). He knows that we don't allow such at "my house". Even though she does have on an ugly little outfit she is still so super cute.

Suzy spent Saturday and half a day Sunday with her Gigi and Pops. They have tended to get her every Saturday so I can get some stuff done around the house, go to the pool, catch up with friends, etc. They give me this day to have some "Amy Time". I am so thankful for it. They just don't know what it means to me. They are awesome to Scott and I. I don't know what we would do without our families. Gigi found Suzy some golf clubs so that they could start teaching her early. Lord knows she will not be getting any good pointers in the golf area from me!

Pops was pretty excited about this little purchase. I honestly think that he is more in love with her than he ever thought he could be. He comes by most every Friday to "bring something by" or "pick something up", but I really do think that he is just making excuses to see Sweet Sue.

When SZ got back from Gigi and Pops' house she was extremely fussy and cranky. I have deducted that my approach to summer is not working out for her. She was so used to being on her schedule and very structured before I got out for summer. I thought that she was established enough in her schedule that I could relax a little. I WAS WRONG. I should have kept her on her strict schedule. I was just spending every second I could with her. We played, we went to see grandparents, went to lunch, etc.... We should have been scheduling our outings and playdates around when it was good for Suzy. Now, with this being said, we do not avoid leaving the house or cancel plans due to her schedule. But, if there is anyway for me to schedule my outings around her "lifestyle" I most definitely will. Some with argue that this is no way to live. For the people that think I am too firm or take the schedule to a bit of an extreme you are definitely granted your opinion. This schedule fits mine and Scott's lives and we all thrive on it. Different strokes for different folks, eh?!! I envy the mothers that just pick up and go and do as they please. I am not one of these. I am far too high strung and obsessive for such behaviors. I am a very scheduled person, myself, so SZ gets it honestly.

The fussiness poured over into Monday. By Monday night I was at my breaking point. She was only happy if I was holding her or I was sitting right beside her talking to her constantly. Well, all you mamas out there know that it is impossible to keep a household running and sit next to a 5 month old talking all day. She woke up at 7 AM and didn't get an ounce of sleep until 7 PM. She was extremely tired and she was taking her frustrations out on me. She pulled my hair out, scratched my face, clawed my neck, and was just plain out right being ugly to me. Scott sent me a text that day and asked how we were doing... I responded with, "She is beig absolutely terrible today". By this text in response I should have known that I needed a "breather/break". I had lost all patience and was out of ideas on what I should do to get her to sleep. I laid her in her bed several times. She cried, screamed, and basically just pitched an royal fit every time. At night, she just has to work it out herself, but during the day she usually doesn't have a problem napping. I then realized that I had to get back on a schedule and that I was going to do nothing to mess it up again. Her crankiness was all my fault. I am proud to announce that I am on the road to recovery.

I did a lot of research Monday night after she went to bed, reread the naptime section of Babywise, and did some praying. My research concluded that a baby of Suzy's age needs to be asleep 16 hours out of a 24 hour day. That seems like a lot, doesn't it?! Well, everywhere that I read said the exact hours. I kept doing my research on google and baby websites. Everyone suggested that a baby needs to go to sleep for at least 30 minutes at a time to actually get any "rest". They also say that from the time she wakes up she has 2 hours to "play" or have "wake time", then it is naptime. So, if she wakes up at 7 AM she will go back to sleep at 9 AM. I have decided that the Ferber Method is the only thing that we can do get her in a routine. The Ferber Method is also known as the "Cry It Out Method". She has been using this method for 2 days and she has figured it out already!! She is not even crying it out!! And, the point of this story.... SHE IS BACK TO MY HAPPY GIRL!!! Yay for technology and Dr. Ferber :)

This is how I found her today when I walked in her room. She really does not like clothes when she sleeps anymore. My hot natured baby is just like her mama.

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