Suzy in the Sunflowers

Suzy in the Sunflowers

Saturday, August 4, 2012

And the Luck Continues....

Suzy ended up at the doctor the Wednesday that Scott left for Iowa. The doctor informed me that she had a double ear infection, a cold, and allergies.... Sent us home with three different meds and my brain spinning. How on Earth am I going to take care of her and myself (who was still sick) all alone? I don't know how, but I did it!! I successfully got both of us through week 1 of being home alone..... It was a challenge. I think the good Lord is testing me. If I passed that test alone I may be able to handle the rest of our time alone, as well. That was my very last full week of summer. Not how I wanted to spend it, I assure you. But, we are all better now!!!
She didn't look like she felt too bad did she? She kept her little spirits up as best she could for sure! Look at Barb, always along for the ride!

I really wish I had a roll of that paper at home. I don't know if it would be nearly as entertaining away from the doctor's office, but it would be worth a shot!
Week two of being alone brought more challenges. Suzy is very, very, very mobile. Not only is she crawling, but she is now pulling up on stuff, climbing stuff, and getting into everything (that she isn't supposed to). Gigi and I were sitting in her room talking and I was going through all the clothes that were too small for her to box up. We looked over and Suzy was standing in her closet pulling things from the closet and pulling hangers out of the hanger basket. She is super busy. She cannot be left alone for 10 seconds anymore.
Pulled her Boppy down, bag out, and  hangers are everywhere!

She thinks it is hilarious!

Everything that is not supposed to get Suzy's attention gets her attention. She then wants to play with it, climb in it, or get on top of it. That sweet little baby that used to sit in her Nap Nanny and watch the colors streak across the TV is no longer interested in anything unless it is something that she shouldn't be. Toys.... nah.... she will just climb all over her car seat until she falls off of it, into it, or on top of it and bumps her head. Sally told me that from now on every single picture that she had would have a bruise or scratch in it. She is definitely right. She looks like she has been beaten. Bruises on her legs, knees, and noggin. A scratch here or there is always popular too.
Totally ignores the toys and goes for the knobs.

Her dirty clothes basket is in that corner... She thinks she must have it. Don't worry, I was standing there to catch her I promise!

Again, bypasses the toys.... Car seat is her choice.


Baby Doll or diaper bag?? Diaper bag, of course.
I had to go back to school midweek of week 2 (of Scott being gone). This was quite the challenge. I was so nervous, anxious, paranoid, etc. I didn't want to get up too late. I didn't want Suzy to be up when I had to get dressed, because she is bad news in the mornings. She is all over the place. I put her in the bathroom with me last week on a blanket with toys. I looked through the glass of the shower and she was standing against the glass with her face pressed to the shower door. She looked like one of those Garfield dolls that are suction cupped to a car window. I had decided that I would have to wake up extra early and be half way ready before she would wake up (which has been about six every morning). I wake up at 5:30 and I am completely dressed and ready by 6:15 or so... Where is Suzy? Still asleep. When did she wake up? When I woke her up at 7:15. She didn't sleep that late all summer long. My luck, right? This sleeping habit continued through the week, thank goodness. It helped me tremendously. I kept waking up early so I could get stuff done in the morning time. We run at night so I don't have much time to get "housekeeping" things taken care of. The mornings is when I got all that done this week. It was quite nice!! I would love to say that I will keep the habit up of waking up early..... I know that it will fizzle after a couple more days!

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