Suzy in the Sunflowers

Suzy in the Sunflowers

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Life's Adjustments

Suzy is now 6 weeks old... Time is flying by so quickly. I cannot believe that I have to go back to work Tuesday. I wish that I would "win big" and be able to stay at home with her. She is just now getting to where she has adjusted to life outside the womb. We finally got her on some formula that agrees with her tummy. The new formula seems to be helping with the gassiness and fussing. She was still having problems pooping so her pediatrician told me to start her on juice. She can have two ounces of apple or pear juice twice a day. She absolutely loves it and it is helping her bowel movements too! Wish they would have suggested that "fix" a long time ago. In the past 6 weeks she has been on 5 different formulas and tons of gas drops. We don't even have to use the gas drops anymore!!
Fun Facts about Suzy at 42 days old:
* She sleeps from about eleven every night to approximately five in the morning
* She loves to have "belly time"
* She is starting to hold her head up and look around at lights
* She drinks 5 oz every 3 hours
* She has the hiccups at least 5 times a day :)
* She loves to sleep on mine and Scott's chest
* The sound machine/projector is her favorite bedtime trinket
* Her best friends are Easten Mahan and Veazy Williams
* She likes her swing at Memaw's house ALL THE TIME, and ours at home SOMETIMES
* She has been on breast milk, Enfamil Newborn, Similac Alementum, Similac Advance, and most recently Similac Sensitive
* She likes everything about bath time except getting her hair washed
* She is now wearing some of her 0-3 month clothes
* Last week she weighed 9 lb, 7 oz (she gained 3lb, 2 oz in 3 weeks!!!!)
* We have tried every pacifier in Wal Mart and Target and she isn't a fan of any of them
Suzy loves the hippo that her Daddy got her!
Such a happy girl!
Suzy's first dinner date with Easten Mahan. She is 4 days older than him. You can't tell by looking at the can you?

We had to take this picture in her awesome outfit so she could be put on the list to be the "Model of the Week" for Special Daze. You will see it again!
Rebecca, Kendall, and Alison gave her these cool shade for Valentine's Day.

Suzy's First Valentine's Day!

Scott's Home Now!
I didn't just become a full time mommy the beginning of January; I also became a full time wife. Scott's company was given the Electrolux job in Memphis and they placed him there for up to a year. He has been away from home the whole time we have been married with the exception of last summer, so this news was a huge blessing. He has been home every night but 3 since Suzy was born. Having him home has been absolutely amazing, but a huge adjustment too. I went from just going and doing whatever I wanted to do, eating whatever I wanted, and tending house whenever I wanted to being confined to my house, cleaning up the kitchen after he cooks, and sharing my bathroom with him every morning. I wouldn't change any of it for anything in this world, but I have had to adjust my ways of doing things for sure. My house would stay clean all week until he came home on the weekends and now I can clean it and he has drug something else out to dirty it back up. I am just thankful that he is the cook around here. If I had to cook we would be eating Poppyseed Chicken and Chicken Rotel every night since those are the only 2 things that I can actually cook well. Scott has been such a huge help with Suzy. I don't know how I would have made it without his help. Since he has been working I have been taking 90% of the night time feedings and diaper changes, but when he gets home every night I do have a couple hours of me time. I start back working Tuesday, so he will has agreed to help me with "night duty" starting tomorrow night. I cannot believe that I am going back to work. It seems like I just had her a week ago. I just hope and pray that I have enough energy to function at work!