Suzy in the Sunflowers

Suzy in the Sunflowers

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Week Full of Mondays

I was talking about the weather with Kalon the other night, and she told me this wise quote, "If you don't like Mississippi weather, just wait a minute... it will change". The first picture was taken January 15, 2013. The following pictures were taken January 29, 2013. Quite the change, huh?

The title does read, "A Week Full of Mondays", but it should say the month full of Mondays. I have not been able to get my act together, lately. I am rushing around every morning in panic mode either because I have slept late or because I am digging through my closet trying to find something to wear. These mornings have become so frequent that I decided I need to document one of them. The following documentation is from last Tuesday..... First of all, I woke up late. Since I woke up late, I jumped in the shower and got to business. I don't take long showers at all. I think they are a waste of time, but this morning my short shower would have to be super short. The first thing I always do is wash my face. Well, I washed my face.... then, somehow things got out of order (you know me, a creature of habit... if one thing gets off track I am screwed). I apparently washed my face twice and scrubbed my body, and jumped out of the shower, put my make up on, got dressed, and started blow drying my hair. As I was blow drying I noticed that my roots were extremely dark... Well, they were dark, because I hadn't washed my flipping hair. I had to wash it in the sink. Then, water ran down my face creating a masterpiece of my make up..... Needless to say I arrived at work at 7:13. I am supposed to be there at 7:10. That was the very first time I have been late to work without a necessary excuse. Since then I have almost knocked myself out on my counter, tripped over countless shoes, and hit the snooze button one too many times... I am ready for February 1 to get here, so maybe I can get with the program.

Last weekend Gigi and Pops took Suzy to get a bunny rabbit.... They have been waiting for an excuse to raise bunnies for years, and Suzy was just the excuse they needed. We still haven't named the bunny. I am trying to think of something clever. We don't know if it is a boy or a girl, either.. Heck, all we know is that it is a white bunny and Suzy loves it. It has to get a little calmer before she can really play with it, but Gigi informed me tonight that it is getting better as the days go by.

 I usually get treated to a day at The Color  Studio about every four weeks. This day is usually dedicated to me, and only me. My last appointment didn't go as it usually does. My relaxing time with Danita was spent playing with Suzy with my hair in foils. Danita came to the rescue after the iPad got old... Who know that a basket full of hair rollers would entertain the Suze?

Sitting under the dryer like a big girl. 
I helped her find her coloring sheet on the iPad and she was content for 0.9 more seconds.... Then the basket was introduced.
All smiles!!! Of course, she is IN the basket!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Smart Little Stinker

I will admit that teaching Special Education makes me a little paranoid about Suzy. I want to make sure that she reaches milestones at the correct times (on average or above average), and that I am doing what I need to be doing to make sure she progresses like she "should" (according to studies). Well, I will also admit that I  was trying to rush her a little without knowing it. She was walking before she was ten months old, eating table foods before necessary, and now is talking one word sentences. What has happened to my baby??!! She is growing toooooo fast! Is this my fault? Did I rush her into all this "grown up'ness"? I hope that I am not the one to blame. I have put a stop to the pushy Mama behaviors, and have decided that she can do what she pleases. I hope that it will make her stay a baby forever. I know.... I know.... You are probably thinking to yourself, "Amy, get over it. She is growing up. There is nothing you can do to stop it". Well, you can say what you want, but I think I will start trying to reverse time as soon as I get my hump off this computer.

Suzy in her car seat at 1 month old..... 
Suzy in her wagon at 1 year old......

 Suzy's Grown Up Behaviors
1. She snatches things from you that she wants. If you have a Cheeto, and she wants it... She WILL get it. As she is snatching it from you she will say, "MINE".

2. The past two nights she has wanted nothing to do with me rocking her. As long as she has her Barb, Blanket, and the Hippo she is good. She just roots around in her crib until she passes out.

3. She thinks she doesn't have to sit in a high chair anymore. She is tooooooo big for that thing, or so she thinks. She fights suppertime (and lunch time according to Memaw) daily. She will eat as long as she is on the move.
Notice the high chair in the background? She ditched her Chef Boyarde , and decided to go for Pops' steak. She is a smart girl. 
4. She wants to "read". At the beginning of January I had to do everything in my power to keep her attention on the book, "Elf on the Shelf". Now, she brings books and puzzles to me to read. That is by far one of her favorite things to do. If it has an animal on it, she wants to "read" it.

5. She likes to be pampered. She absolutely loves to have her head rubbed/hair brushed. She will sit in your lap without moving a muscle as long as you will brush her hair. She also loves to "brush her teeth". She carries her toothbrush around like a paci. Laurie got her a purse for her birthday..... She will grab it, sling it on her wrist, and strike out. Girls...... Girls..... Girls..... I think she may be a prissy girl, after all.
She looks like she might be ready for a pedicure, doesn't she?
6. She loves to play with writing utensils. One night at the beginning of the month we went to stay with Mimi and Papaw, because Mimi thought we were going to have an Ice Storm and be trapped at home alone. While we were there she sat down with Papaw, and helped him do his paperwork for the shop. When we take field trips to the shops to see Papaw the first thing she wants to do is get in his markers on the desk.

The picture to the left is on April 16, 2012. The picture to the right is from January 15, 2013. A whopping 9 months apart......
She has grown up, hasn't she?! 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Under the Weather Goat Girl

My Sue Baby started getting pretty snotty and grumpy Monday, and by Tuesday her nose was pouring icky, nasty, gross "stuff". She was scheduled to go to the doctor for round two of her flu shot and her one year old shots. Memaw took her to the doctor Tuesday for those fun events, but they would not give her any of her shots. She was too sick. She ended up leaving with the recommendation of Zyrtec and Mucinex. I called our lovely hometown pharmacy, City Drug, and got all that taken care of that afternoon. She was no better Wednesday, nor Thursday. She wasn't acting "bad", you could just tell she wasn't herself. I kept her home for Tattle Tales Thursday, so she wouldn't share or take germs to/from there. I would have hated for her to make someone else sick. Thankfully, Memaw didn't have plans and kept her again. Today was a different story.... I took off work to stay home with her. I made the decision that me staying home would be the best decision last night. I had prepared myself for a rough day after her fits last night. She was pitiful. She wouldn't take her meds, she wouldn't eat, and she didn't want to go to sleep. She was fit to be tied. She woke up around eight this morning. She had boogers crusted to her nose, chapped cheeks, and a huge smile on her face. She was a sick, happy little girl. I am so glad I stayed at home. I think she was trying to play "hookie". She succeeded. Mama stayed home from work and played with baby girl allllllll day long. She was a little pistol, I tell ya!

The early part of the morning was kind of touch and go. She was fine one minute, and attached to my hip the next.. As the morning progressed she perked right on up.

Mid-morning she spotted the cheese balls on the counter, and she HAD to have some. I may have had a couple myself, and Lola had more than a couple. Suzy is a big time sharer. She wants everyone to try what she is eating.

"Wooooowa" having a cheese ball. Notice the disaster in the background. She drags out everything she can  when it is playtime. 
"Woooooowa" is begging. One was just not enough. 
One for you.... One for me.....
She always has to have one in each hand for reserve while she has a  mouth full. 
Suzy just holds her hand out for Lola to clean them off.... UGH.
 After all the cheese ball fun she HAD to have a bath. She was filthy. I always feel like warm baths do her some good.

Cheeto face and sad eyes. You can plainly see she wasn't feeling too hot. 
 Later today I had to run a few errands around town. I drug Suzy out of the house with me. I thought some fresh air would do us both some good. We were getting a little stir crazy. When we got home we played, I read the same book 94 times, danced, ate supper, and Suzy fought sleep. She started getting cranky around five, and it just got worse from there. I decided at 6:45 it was time for bedtime bath and rest. While in the tub she figured out that she could turn the shower on. She was not very impressed with it. She didn't like it one bit, but continued to do it. Some things I will never understand.

Instead of Cheeto mouth for this bath, she had amoxicillan mouth...... Her eyes look much better though, don't they?
Sweet baby girl loves  her bath tub toys her Lolo gave her. 
 Our usual bedtime lotion consists of plain jane baby lotion. Not this week. She gets Vicks on her chest, back, cheeks, and feet.... She is all greased up!

 I have decided that Suzy may be part goat. She eats everything that is paper she can find. Her books look like she has just bitten chunks out of them. She looooves paper. Isn't this called Pica?
Please notice the rolls on her legs and arms, the cellulite on her hiney, and the Kleenex in her hands...
Notice the belly!! She is her Pops made over....
She has snot pouring out of her nose, but won't clean it off... She  uses the Kleenex for a snack instead.

She chews it up, and spits it out. At least she spits it out, I guess? I usually don't let her get this far with it, but I had to have it documented.
I hope that we both get some rest tonight. I am beat.

Monday, January 21, 2013

My Ladybug Princess

 My Aunt SheShe made the perfect outfit for Suzy's first birthday celebration. I couldn't have asked for anything cuter. It always means so much to me to have Suzy's clothes made by her. I feel like they are way more special when she makes them for us. Her outfit fit our party theme to a T. We love our "Sew SheShe Designs".

Such a happy girl. 

"Here, Mama, I don't want to wear this."

I tried to get more pictures of Suzy in her cute little ensemble, but she was too busy for all that. She thought it was amazing that all her family and friends were in the same room at the same time. She had to keep tabs on everyone. She had to know that everyone was paying attention to her, and only her.
She was checking out all the goodies that her friends brought her. Scott and I got her the chair she is posing beside. She loves it. She loves it enough to "mark" it as hers. She pooped in it this morning. The joys. 
Instead of sitting in the chair, she usually just climbs around on it. It is her personal jungle gym. 
Suzy's Mammie and Pappy Tallo came to the big celebration. We are always thrilled to see them. They keep  Suzy dressed in the cutest clothes. Suzy loves her Mammie and Pappy. The present they brought was wrapped in bugs, too. How perfect?! Suzy wanted to open it SOOOO bad. 

"Please Papaw, let me open it. Just one.... Pllllleeeeeeaaaase!"

Begging eyes will always get a little girl what she wants. 

Mammie and Pappy got her the cutest little dress. I cannot wait to put it on her with some cute little stockings... Ah. Little girls are soo much fun.
After Suzy conned Papaw into opening her present from Mammie and Pappy, it was time for her to open all of her presents. Goodness gracious she had a lot of presents to open, so we brought in reinforcement. Veazy and Allyx came to the rescue for this present. 

Ford, the superhero, decided he needed to get in on the fun, too. 

These were just a few of the many guest that came to wish Sue Baby a Happy Birthday. 

Laurie with Samuel and Evie! So glad they came. 

Suzy was tickled that she would have her very own beach towel for the lake this year. She loved that towel. Mouth full of teeth grins are always a good sign. Suzanne Boyle gave her the towel, and I know we will get a lot of use out of it. 

Mimi and Papaw know how much Suzy likes books, so they got her books and a Cat in the Hat doll. She loooooved it. 

Uncle Jon and Aunt LaKay followed suite and got another book with a gator animal. She loved it so much too. 

Special Daze, Mae Mae, and GiGi, sent us the sweetest present. Suzy got her own little crown. She loves it. She has already chewed some of the feathers off of it, but it is still adorable. This is a prime reason that is a treat to shop locally. Special Daze is always sooooo good to us. Thank you Gigi and MaeMae. 

She loves being the princess.
When the presents were all opened and put away it was time for food! Everyone got a plate and started digging in. All Suzy wanted was strawberries and cheese balls. At least, that's all she thought she wanted. She didn't know that she was fixing to get treated to her very own smash cake. 
We all sang Happy Birthday to the Party Bug, and I helped her blow out her candle. I put the cake down in front of her, but she wasn't worried about it at first. She just wanted the cheese ball that was shoved in her mouth. Finally, when the cheese ball wasn't her main focus she was READY to get into that cake. She is like me, she loooooves her sweets. 
Notice the cheese ball face and fingers?

" I think I will lick the cheese off my fingers before I did into that cake."

Easten is never too sure about sweets, but we made him try anyway. Another failed attempt. He needs a fruit cake for his next birthday. 

She had her whole face in this cake at one point. 

Suzy is a very good sharer. She wants Daddy to have a bite. 

Now she is trying to give a bite to someone else. 

She had a blast. The cake was scrumptious. 

After she had some clean clothes on she got to go ride on her new toy  that Scott and I got her. She loves it. 
We were so blessed to have so many friends and family members to spend this special occasion with us. I am thrilled to have a great group of people in Suzy's life. She may not realize it now, but she will one day. 
She got lots of good presents: dresses, clothes, bathtime stuff, push toys, toys that make looooots of noise, and lots of books. This Mama loves seeing books. Some of the more random things she got was a gold coin from Mama B. I am putting it in the safety deposit box next week. I hope we can keep up with it forever for Suzy. Lauren got her another piece of pottery for her collection. Betsy Hartley gave her a little Peter's Pottery bunny for a baby shower gift, Lauren got the big bunny for Christmas, and decided she wanted to start giving plates and stuff too. Suzy may not understand now, but when she is 18 and has everything she needs she will be greatly appreciative. Auntie T gave her a Peter's giraffe. It is adorable. Her KK started the collection for Walt Disney Movies. She wanted her to have all the movies that we grew up watching. As they are coming out of the vault she is snatching them up. Those ideas are so thoughtful and we appreciate y'all thinking of Suzy's future. Y'all are such good friends. 
We are so glad that everyone came and enjoyed themselves. I hope that we never forget her first party. 

When we got Suzy in the car to go home she fell asleep. Scott got her in her crib and she took a big power nap. We woke her up for supper and she was full force. She was not going back to bed. The sugar had kicked in, maybe?! 
Finally we put her in bed to play with her stuffed animals. After a few minutes we didn't hear her talking to the animals. We went in there and she was sitting in her bed dead asleep. Sitting straight up with her hippo snuggled to her, asleep. The baby was worn slap out. 

She was tired from her Birthday Party, and Scott and I were too. It was fun, but I am glad it is over. I need a weeks worth of rest to catch up now.