Suzy in the Sunflowers

Suzy in the Sunflowers

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Bun in the Oven

A friend of mine that I work with has a blog entry on her page of how pregnancy "changed" her, I am going to borrow the idea tonight....

1. Most women have the common symptom of "morning sickness", which I am so thrilled to say that I have not had one ounce of. I haven't thrown up or felt nauses one time. I count my blessings for sure in this area. But, since I haven't been sick I haven't been losing weight like some pregnant women do. Instead, I have gained and started showing quite early (according to some). I am 19 weeks pregnant today and I definitely "look" pregnant and have for a couple weeks now.

14 Weeks.

16 Weeks.
17 Weeks. (not a good belly shot, I know)

18 Weeks.

2. My medicine cabinet has drastically changed- My cabinet only consists of benadryl, tylenol, heart burn relief, and gas x. Instead of having morning sickness I was graced with heartburn very quickly. It is quite miserable. I have to take Zantc 2 times a day, everyday. But, I would  much rather have heart burn than throw up!

3. My sleeping habits- Instead of only waking up throughout the night to let Bella and Lola outside, I wake up at least 3 times to go to the bathroom on top of letting them out. We cannot seem to get on the same schedule.

4. My tastebuds have control over me- I have had "cravings" like every pregnant woman does, but mine change from week to week. When I first found out that I was pregnant I only wanted popsicles. I loved them all except Orange. Then, I started eating Flamin' Hot Popcorn and Fruit Roll Ups. Now, I am hooked on hot fudge sundaes from Sonic (extra hot fudge and nuts, no whip cream or cherry). When the idea pops in my head that I need this tasty snack there is nothing that holds me back from it. This too could have something to do with the weight gain :)

5. My shopping habits have drastically changed- I was telling JoAnne the other night that I didn't realize how much I bought for myself until recently. Now, instead of buying myself something nearly every weekend I buy Suzy something. I didn't even look for clothes for myself when we went shopping. I went straight to the baby stuff!

6. I am now a side sleeper- Before I was pregnant I slept on my stomach buried in pillows. Now, I am on my left side with a fan blowing directly in my face. I get hot much easier these days.

I am sure there are many, many more things that have changed about me, but I will think on this and repost in a couple weeks :)

Auntie Laurie and Shopping For Suzy

WOW!!! is all I can say about yesterday's shopping excursion for Baby Suzy. Laruen, Mom, and I left Senatobia around 9 o'clock on a mission to find a baby bed.... Our first stop was Babies R' Us. While we were there we had a blast. I found the stroller, car seat, pack and play, and a possible baby bed. Mine and mom's fun cannot even compare to the time that Auntie Laurie had!!! She went crazy over all the stylish clothes they had for Suzy. The picture below is of all the finds that Auntie Laurie ooooooh'ed and aaaaaah'ed over. The leopard and red... Well, it has a story to go along with it! After we had the gender revealing Lauren sent me a BBM asking if Suzy would be allowed to wear leopard print. For any of you that don't know Lauren, leopard print is a staple in her wardrobe. I, of course, told her that Suzy could wear anything that she bought for her! We aren't picky around the Smith residence! That was Lauren's cue to be on the hunt for leopard! When she saw this little outfit I thought she was going to jump up and down, pee her pants, and cry all at the same time. Mom and I TRY to spend cautiously so our first question was, "how much is it?". Lauren replied, "I am paying 22 bucks for this hot little number"... And, to top it off, they didn't have the correct size so Lauren bought the 12 month. She won't be able to wear it for a WHILE, but she did not care one bit. Thank goodness it was indeed on sale and she didn't pay 22 bucks for it, but it was the funniest thing that we had seen all morning UNTIL we went to Ross! We all head to the check out lines and lucky Lauren was the first to be rung up. The clerk said, "you have impeccable taste in clothing" which struck us to be very humourous, too. She was shopping for Suzy like she was HER child. Lauren proceeded to tell the woman that she was shopping for MY baby. For today we can sum up who the "spoiler" will be in the clothing department. She didn't just stop at Babies R' Us. She bought at least one item at every single store we walked into.

(these are all the items that Auntie Laurie purchased for Suzy yesterday)

Ross- We walk into the store and of course head to the baby section to check out their gear. Low and behold there was the same leopard print outfit hanging on the rack. Lauren and I burst out laughing and she immediately checked the size. If it were a 0-3 month we were fixing to have to go all the way back to Babies R' Us and return the 12 month. It was a 6 month (which will be her summer size) thank goodness.

We had an awesome time shopping for clothes for Suzy, the hard part is finding a baby bed! I think I have found "the one" at Babies R' Us, but of course it is out of stock. I am on the email waiting list. I hope they send me an email this week informing me that I can order it asap!

I bought the dress (above) at BRU which of course matches some of the accessories that Laurie bought perfectly! We will have a fashionista on the lose very soon!

These are some of the finds that I purchased yesterday!

Our house divided. Lauren and I bought the MSU outfits and showed them to Scott as soon as we got home. He was mortified of course. Mom and dad went to Cracker Barrel this morning and purchased the Ole Miss outfit for Scott (to make him feel better). It is SO UGLY! She will look like a little boy if anyone ever puts that garbage on her (hahaha)! I'm sure that Scott will be itching to put it on her as soon he can!

Friday, August 26, 2011

How We Became "The Smith's"

I figured since I have started this blog in order to "keep track of our lives" I should create a post of how Scott and I met.  I thought that maybe I should get back to the beginning!
I guess you could say that I initiated the romance (as bad as I hate to admit it). As most of you know I lived in Starkville and attended Mississippi State University (Go Dawgs!!) for several years where I got my degree in special education. While there I met some great people and had an amazing time. But, there was just "something" or "someone" missing in my life.... Little did I know that the phone calls I was about to make would fill the void in the "someone missing" part of my life.
One afternoon on my way home (Senatobia, MS) I called a friend, Kent Spencer, to see what was going on that weekend. In the conversation Kent mentioned to me that Scott Smith was living in Starkville now. He explained that Scott had just gotten a great job with Jayton Construction and that he would be in Starkville for several weeks/months. Well, this news got my attention for some strange reason. Kent gave me his number and I proceeded to called to Scott. Unfortunately, I had to leave a voicemail that said something along the lines of "Hey Scott, this is Amy Geeslin (we knew each other from living in a small town, but we didn't know each THAT well. I figured he wouldn't know who just "Amy" was)... I heard you were living in Starkville now. If you ever want to go out or have dinner or something just give me a call". I hung up the phone and didnt really think much else of the message. The Sunday of my weekend at home JoAnne, mom, and I were in Target and my cell rang.. Low and behold it was Scott.  I got all blush and gooby and whispered to my company who was on the other end of the line. We agreed that we would meet soon and have dinner. Now let me remind you, I had never thought of this guy as anything at all... much less as someone I would date or have a relationship with. I hadn't heard from Scott besides a few texts here and there about nonsense things.
On Thursday nights it was a given that me and the girls would be having a "girls night" somewhere Downtown or in the Cotton District. This particular night we had decided on going to Mugshots (downtown). We were enjoying our night when I heard my cell phone ding... text message... It was Scott. He asked where we were and what we were doing. I proceeded to tell him we were at Mugshots sitting on the balcony, having a few drinks,enjoying the night. He simply responded with "ok". The next thing I know a waitress brought out a round of drinks "from the gentleman at the bar".... Well, I bet you can't guess who one of the gentleman was? Of course, it was Scott and a friend he worked with. We hung out that night and the rest is history!
We have shared some great times and experiences so far! I cannot wait to add a baby to the mix :)

Scott and I at Windy City, Como.

Bin 612, Starkville
I am not sure why it is so hard to get Scott excited about taking photos...

Brian and Sally William's wedding!

New Orleans

Monday, August 22, 2011

Expanding Our Family

On May 22, 2011 I was feeling a little under the weather and tired (not sickly by any means, just very exhausted). I thought that the fatigue that I was experiencing was just a good sign of PMS. I turned on the ovualtion kit that I used religiously to see if/when I was ovulating for it to tell me that I was 4 days late... I didn't think too much of this news due to the fact that Scott and I had such a hard time getting pregnant AND that I had an appointment with a fertility doctor the coming Wednesday to see what our options were. I hesitantly took a pregnancy test wondering why I torture myself by always taking those pesky things when they always say "negative".... Well, after 5 more pregnancy tests I finally decided that I was indeed pregnant!!! It was the greatest, most overwhelming feeling in the entire world (as to date). That afternoon Scott and I went to tell our families the great news. Of course, everyone cried. So, that brings us to where we are today....
August 18, 2011 I had my "gender scan" at the OB GYN's office. It was quite the ordeal. Needless to say, we had a gender revealing party planned for the night of the appointment. When I laid down for the first ultrasound Baby Smith had it's legs crossed napping. So, after about 5 minutes of the ultrasound technician poking on my belly to wake Baby up I was forced to get off the table and drink a Sprite and eat a handful of Jelly Belly Jellybeans. Shockingly, this grand idea worked! Baby was all over the place. The ultrasound tech finally got a good gender photo. Haley, my nurse, called JoAnne and Lauren so they could continue to plan the dinner. Scott and I left the doctor's office with an envelope with our baby's pictures in it. We anxiously talked about baby names all the way home and how we thought that the baby was a boy from all the talk the nurse and ultrasound tech were having while I was on the table. Everyone met at the Como Steakhouse by 5:30 and Lauren and JoAnne promptly started the game to reveal the gender of Baby Smith. They placed paper sacks at the seat of each guest. Everyone took turns opening their bags. In each of the bags there was either blue candy or pink candy. As the guests opened their bags Lauren would put a tally mark on a graph showing the results of each person's opened bag. By the time my dad opened the last bag it was a tied ball game. Six tallies for a boy and six tallies for a girl. Scott and I opened the last bag which was the tie breaker. When we opened it it was a huge rattle (pictured above) that read "IT'S A GIRL"!!!!! I was so shocked and excited I just burst into tears. The party was a great experience. I am so lucky to have great friends that take the time to do awesome things for Scott and I. It was a night that I will never forget.

As we settled down for dinner the talk of names was brought up... I am almost 90% sure that her name will be Ella Suzanne Smith. Ella is a family name on both sides and Suzanne is my mother's name. We will call her Suzy!!

I found this bedding and fell in LOVE! I think this is what we will be using in Suzy's room!

I ordered these fabric swatches so I could really get a close up of what it would look and feel like before ordering!

This is another view of what the bedding looks like "put together"!