Suzy in the Sunflowers

Suzy in the Sunflowers

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Bun in the Oven

A friend of mine that I work with has a blog entry on her page of how pregnancy "changed" her, I am going to borrow the idea tonight....

1. Most women have the common symptom of "morning sickness", which I am so thrilled to say that I have not had one ounce of. I haven't thrown up or felt nauses one time. I count my blessings for sure in this area. But, since I haven't been sick I haven't been losing weight like some pregnant women do. Instead, I have gained and started showing quite early (according to some). I am 19 weeks pregnant today and I definitely "look" pregnant and have for a couple weeks now.

14 Weeks.

16 Weeks.
17 Weeks. (not a good belly shot, I know)

18 Weeks.

2. My medicine cabinet has drastically changed- My cabinet only consists of benadryl, tylenol, heart burn relief, and gas x. Instead of having morning sickness I was graced with heartburn very quickly. It is quite miserable. I have to take Zantc 2 times a day, everyday. But, I would  much rather have heart burn than throw up!

3. My sleeping habits- Instead of only waking up throughout the night to let Bella and Lola outside, I wake up at least 3 times to go to the bathroom on top of letting them out. We cannot seem to get on the same schedule.

4. My tastebuds have control over me- I have had "cravings" like every pregnant woman does, but mine change from week to week. When I first found out that I was pregnant I only wanted popsicles. I loved them all except Orange. Then, I started eating Flamin' Hot Popcorn and Fruit Roll Ups. Now, I am hooked on hot fudge sundaes from Sonic (extra hot fudge and nuts, no whip cream or cherry). When the idea pops in my head that I need this tasty snack there is nothing that holds me back from it. This too could have something to do with the weight gain :)

5. My shopping habits have drastically changed- I was telling JoAnne the other night that I didn't realize how much I bought for myself until recently. Now, instead of buying myself something nearly every weekend I buy Suzy something. I didn't even look for clothes for myself when we went shopping. I went straight to the baby stuff!

6. I am now a side sleeper- Before I was pregnant I slept on my stomach buried in pillows. Now, I am on my left side with a fan blowing directly in my face. I get hot much easier these days.

I am sure there are many, many more things that have changed about me, but I will think on this and repost in a couple weeks :)

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