Suzy in the Sunflowers

Suzy in the Sunflowers

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Worms for Supper

My Suzy is a very fun little girl. She likes getting in the mud, splashing in “muddy puddles”, painting, and digging in the dirt. If she had to choose between coloring a picture inside or digging in a flower bed, she would definitely choose being outside.
Having some bacon outside at the lake house! 

We found this little park in a town around the lake house! She loved it. 

Enjoying a little Happy Meal outside! 

Ponytails and slides! 

Playing outside with her friends and Mrs. Amy at Tattle Tales. 

She even likes to let the outdoors inside the car! 

 She loves the outdoors, but she does not love bugs. She will panic if one gets near her or if she sees one on the ground somewhere. It doesn't matter if the bug is already dead, she will make you smash it until she thinks it is definitely dead. She was at Gigi’s house one night, and there was a ladybug in her bathtub. When Suzy saw the ladybug she had a conniption fit. Gigi said the rest of her bath was very quick. She had to get Suzy out of the as soon as possible. Since she hates bugs, you would think she would want nothing to do with them, right??? Wrong. Mimi and Memaw have ponds in their yards, so Suzy goes fishing with them all the time. Memaw uses worms or crickets to fish most of the time, so I guess that is how Suzy realized that fish eat worms and bugs. Which brings me to my previous point, “Since she hates bugs, you would think she would want nothing to do with them”. Here is one of our conversations that we have daily:

Me: Suzy, what do you want for supper?
Suzy: Worms.
Me: Nooooo, worms are nasty.
Suzy: Yeah, worms are nasty.
Me: So, what do you want for supper?
Suzy: Bugs.
Me: No, bugs are nasty.
Suzy: Yeah, bugs are gross.
Me: So what do you want for supper?
Suzy: Ants.

I think you can kind of see the pattern of all our conversations about mealtimes. I am not sure why she thinks she wants to eat those things, if she also agrees that they are nasty…? Last night on the way home from Mimi’s house I asked her how she would eat worms, and she made one of those slurping faces like you would make if you were sucking a foot long spaghetti noodle. I don’t know where this child gets this mess from!
Having lunch at the lake house, watching Papa and Papaw work on the porch! THE LIFE! 
That is ashes from a fire she is playing in.... Why must she find the most disgusting messes to play in! 

She looks like PigPen! 

Random Bug Stories:

We were at the lake house over Easter. Suzy and I were planting some flowers in the front yard, and dug up a worm in the process. I showed her the worm, and tried to get her to hold it. Her response was, “No Mama, put it back”. We put the worm back in the hole and covered it up. She wasn't happy until we put it exactly back where it came from.

 I was sweeping the kitchen a couple nights ago, and I swept up a dead cricket. I guess when those little critters jump inside, my bug chemicals kill them. I never find alive bugs, only dead ones….? Anyway, Suzy saw the cricket and had a total come apart. We had to completely dismantle the poor dead bug before she was content enough for me to even sweep it into the dustpan.

Of course, with the weather turning pretty we have been outside a substantial amount. When we are in the yard, Suzy studies the ground constantly to be sure we are not stepping in any ant beds. If she even sees any little pebbles of dirt in a clump, she automatically assumes there are ants in there. Her most common remark is, “Be verrrrrry careful Mama, ants bite you, hurts bad”. 

This little rescue kitty is loving the sunshine! Birdie Cat and Suzy have it made!