Suzy in the Sunflowers

Suzy in the Sunflowers

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Snoring Will Continue....

Dr. Chanin scheduled Suzy’s appointment for Thursday morning. LeBonheur called me early Monday morning to confirm the time and date of the surgery. They informed me that 5:45 AM is when we needed to be at the hospital for “registration”. I had no idea you had to register for surgery?! So, 5:45 AM would call for a 3:30 AM wake up call….. It was torture waking up that early. There were poor little kiddos all over the surgery floor of the hospital. The worst part of the whole morning was the sitting and waiting. The sitting and waiting wouldn’t be nearly as bad if we weren’t doing anything and everything to keep Suzy happy. She was a bit irritated that we woke her up early, and even more irritated that we didn’t give her the breakfast that she normally inhales. She ate her bedtime meal at 7:00 PM, Tuesday night and didn’t get to eat again until surgery was over and she had been in recovery for an hour. She was hungry and she was not happy that no one was doing anything about it.
Being super serious in the 1st waiting room of the day!

The security guard did a wonderful job spelling Scott's name didn't he? Michael turned into Richael.

Then the security guard shared the love with me and misspelled my name too. I know, I know..... It is really time for me to have my name changed. Three years married and I am still going by "Geeslin". I just do not want to go to the SS office.
They called us back into the second waiting room around 7:00 AM. The nurse took all Suzy’s vitals and gave us her cute little gown and slippers to change her into. Suzy was really starting to show her true colors by then. She was throwing a fit!! The nurse promised that she would be called back into surgery around 8:30. The nurse was right. After the anesthesiologist and the doctor came by to chit chat with us they were ready for her. Of course, when they came to get her she had fallen asleep. They gave Scott and me the option of going back with her. I declined. I didn’t need to see her in that state. No way, Jose’. We gave her sugar and told her we loved her and headed into the waiting room.
That was the first wristband that they gave Suzy. She chewed it off. Our little "goat girl" was hungry!

Is this not the cutest picture ever!!!

She finally gave up trying to eat everything in sight and decided she would take a little siesta on Daddy's chest.
We were probably in the waiting area for about 25 minutes and she had already been moved to the recovery room. The doctor called us into a counseling room to speak with us about what all he had to do…… They were SUPPOSED to remove her adenoids, place tubes in her ears, and run a scope down her esophagus to make sure her airways were cleared (due to the snoring problem). Well, the doctor gave us good news. He didn’t have to remove the adenoids. They weren’t enlarged, so there was no need in taking them. He did put tubes in her ears and he ran the scope down to the top of her lungs and there were no problems. She will just continue to snore until she grows out of it. He gave me a fancy name for the condition that she has, but I cannot remember what he called it. He described it to me as a lid on a toilet. Instead of her lid being firm it was floppy. So, pretty much she is snoring due to a floppy piece in her windpipe. I am just relieved to know that there is nothing major going on with her. The heavy snoring was really starting to worry me to death. I am super glad that they went ahead and confirmed there were no problems while she was under anesthesia. If nothing else, it puts my mind at ease.

After all the good news it was time to go back into the recovery area. Well, let me just tell you. It was not fun at all. It was extremely hard to see her like that. The nurse had started her on a bottle of pedialyte before we had gotten back there. She just looked so sweet and pitiful. She had all sorts of cords hanging off of her and taped to her. THEN, the pedialyte bottle was empty….. Boy, she was flopping all over the place, screaming bloody murder. She was NOT happy. We started scrambling for more juice. They would only allow her clear liquids (they said she didn’t need anything too heavy). As long as we kept the juice coming she was happy. But, as soon as the juice was gone the madness started all over again. They told us it was all due to being put under. They said that babies don’t understand what is going on, cannot recognize anything, are spinning, and are starving. I think I would be pretty ticked off if that happened to me too. After about 35-40 minutes she started settling down and they started getting us ready to be discharged. The nurse gave Hubs directions on how to pick Suzy and me up. She wheeled us out to the car and we were on our way home! They released us at 9:45. So, we were there for a total of 4 hours. I would say that is pretty darn good.

On the journey home Suzy fell asleep about 10 minutes into the drive. What did she start doing? Snoring. The child snored the whole way home. I am glad to know the snoring is ok, because if she didn’t snore I would probably really freak out. It is now just normal to us. If she didn’t snore we would wake up a dozen times a night and panic because we didn’t hear her.

Jill’s boys gave Suzy a “Get Well Soon” present. She absolutely loved it. It was the cutest little baby doll and some snacks. She also cooked us an amazing meal and chess squares for dessert. We sure are blessed with amazing friends.
I told her she had to open it all by herself!

The baby giggles! She looooves it. That Lamar family keeps us stocked with toys. The tonka truck, the exersaucer, and now a giggling baby.... What would we do without them?

And, of course, she is a huge fan of snacks! The Lamars did great picking out a gift to lift her spirits.
Mom put a roast in the Croc Pot for us that morning. She also stayed at my house until we arrived home from the hospital. Scott and I ate lunch and took a nice nap. Mom and Linda occupied Suzy while we got some rest. We had a babysitter and supper ready for us by 5:15. I could get used to that kind of pampering.
Suzy had supper while we ate our supper. Green beans and mashed potatoes. She loves to make a mess. I always regret giving her food like this. I forget that I have to clean the mess up.
The night didn’t go quite as smoothly as the day did. She woke up several times after being put down for “bedtime”. We are blaming it on her being uncomfortable and hungry. Every time she woke up she wanted something to eat.
All in all, she was a trooper. I cannot complain about one thing that went on at the hospital that morning except the fact that we had to be there so early and the surgery start time wasn’t until 8:00. But, nothing can be perfect, right?

Friday, September 28, 2012

Tunica's Finest

We had a busy, busy day last Saturday!! Suzy's day started off with a trip to the soccer fields with "Auntie Laurie". Lauren took Suzy to the soccer game so I could prepare for the rest of the day's activities and get myself dressed in peace. Ah, it is amazing what an hour of uninterrupted time can do for a mama. I got so much done in such a short amount of time. Suzy had a big ole time at the fields. She got to meet a new friend, Evie. They got to play in the grass, in the stroller, and with Suzy's toys. I heard from bystanders that Suzy is not a very good sharer. We may need to start working on that. Suzy really does enjoy anything outside, so a trip to a soccer game was a good move.
I think Suzy was very intrigued with Evie's pretty little outfit. I think Evie was thinking, "I wonder what I can do to get into that stroller thing that baby is in??".
This must be about the time that the "I don't want to share my toys AND my stroller" attitude hit.
I guess Suzy figured out how to get out the stroller. After Suzy was out of the stroller Evie decided she would take over.

When Lauren and Suzy got back from the soccer game I had everything packed up and ready to go. We got Suzy fed and changed and headed to Tunica. Papaw was at a car show down there and he wanted to show Suzy off along with all his cool cars. Papaw is so proud of Suzy. He was even prouder that we came down there. Mimi was beside herself too. She wouldn't even let us out of the car with her. She had to meet us and stroll her to their tent while Lauren and I parked the car. She was just too excited to show her off to all her friends. My parents have been doing car shows since I was in the womb. I guess since they raised me in blazing hot parking lots, grassy areas, and arenas they think Suzy should be raised there too? No, I don't have much interest in cars and stuff, but I absolutely love seeing my dad in his element. That is worth it all. Just to see him so happy and full of pride makes me like enjoy being at functions like that. He is such a special man to me. I will do anything I can to make him happy. Being at car shows and bringing Sue Baby with me makes him happy, so we will continue the tradition :)

Yes, those are her fancy shoes that we were so thrilled about purchasing on our last field trip. She can get them off. And, where do they go when she gets them off? Her mouth. Along with every other thing she can find.
After leaving the car show we went to the outlet mall to get Sue some new threads. She didn't have many fall/winter clothes. We overbought for summer.... Shirley, Kalon, Lauren, Mimi, and I went wild. We bought way too many things for the rotten baby.
We had a very busy day. It was busy, but very exciting. The ride home wasn't as exciting. Suzy was tired and hungry. She threw a royal fit for about ten minutes. She eventually gave it up and went to sleep. Poor baby girl needed some beauty rest. She woke up in a good mood and gave us a few more minutes to play with her while hanging up all her new clothes! I have just as much fun re-looking at all her clothes as I do when I buy myself new stuff. Oh, baby girls are just to die for.
She would rather be naked, but only a diaper satisfies her just as well sometimes. Who needs clothes anyway? Auntie Laurie had to add the bow to the nonexistent outfit, of course.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Suzy's Special Treatment==Gravel Massage

I ran a few errands after work Friday before picking Suzy up from Tattle Tales. When I got there to pick her up Ashley informed me that she was outside playing with the big kids. I walked outside to find my sweet Sue sitting in the rocks playing. She was very proud of those two fistfuls of rocks she had. She is treated like a queen everywhere she goes. Lauren and Kalon joke that she will grow up thinking she is a princess. She really will if we don’t watch out. Every single person in her life caters to her every need. Not that it is a problem, but she has lots of people in her life. Lots of people equals lots of catering. Lots of catering equals super spoiled. It is just self assuring to know that she is taken care of everywhere she goes. Tattle Tales has a video system so you can watch your kiddo and how he/she is taken care of. I have not logged on to the system one single time. I know she is in good hands and will be well tended to. I am very thankful for those gals at daycare. Very, very thankful.

She doesn't look as excited about it in this photo!

I am so glad that those girls take care of my baby. I wouldn't want her anywhere else. How many daycare centers allow little bitties to be outside? Not many! Just another reason we like TTales. Thank you Robin for sharing the photos with me!
After being spoiled by Ashley, B, Robin, Connie, the list could go on and on forever she was brougth home to be spoiled by Auntie Laurie and Auntie KK. We spent the rest of our afternoon watching Suzy in her playpen outside. She is standing  flat footed for quite some time so we are just waiting for her to take that leap of faith. She is thinking about moving those legs, but sh isn't just quite sure yet. It will come. It will come soon.

While we sit outside with her in the afternoons we load her play pen up with goodies. Of course, she choses an empty formula can, scoop, and a nose sucker to be her favorites.

God love her.... We have tried every sippy couple in Wal Mart. She just cannot figure out how to tilt her head back in order for juice to come down. She tries, oh so very, hard.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Zoo + Shoes = Happy Sue

I have mentioned the problem of boredom before, but I have never done much to fix the problem (besides the occasional field trip or going to see family members). Kalon and I decided that we were not going to spend another beautiful weekend sitting around Senatobia. We usually try to piddle around town or outside in the yard, but this just wasn't going to work this time. The question was, "what exactly can we do with an eight month old?". After putting our thinking cap on and talking to a few friends we decided we would go to the zoo! How could we go wrong with this decision? She loves animals, she loves it outside, and she loves being in her stroller. All odds were in our favor, right? Not only did we decide that we would go to the zoo, but we also thought it would be a fantastic idea to get Sue Baby fitted for shoes. Since the zoo and Oak Court Mall are right around the corner from each other we thought our idea was absolutely perfect......

We were right!!! The zoo was such a great idea. We left Senatobia around 9:30 Saturday morning. We timed it perfectly. We pulled in the zoo, changed Sue's diaper, unloaded the stroller, and head in. Kalon and I were more excited about the zoo than Suzy, of course. We walked in and headed straight for the animals. Suzy couldn't see most of the little creatures because they have the fences built so strange. They block the animals for itty bitty toddlers and kiddos in strollers. But, the animals that she could see got her attention. I got to pick her up and let her see several things. One of those things was a cow. Out of all the darn animals in the zoo Suzy had more fun with that cow than anything there. She ewwwed and awwwwwed over that cow. She would just screech and grin. It was the cutest thing. We could have just driven around the corner from our house and seen hundreds of cows. Maybe next time we will do that and save fifteen dollars in admission, seven dollars for two drinks, and gas money.
Suzy was loving the cow right here!

She loved this little guy too.


Sweet Kalon, better known as "KK" around our house!


Her top 3 favorite animals were:
1. cow
2. komodo dragon
3. elk
The whole time we were there Suzy never made a negative sound. She had such a great time. I am not sure if it was the Zoo that was such a big hit or the fact that she was outside people watching, but whatever the case may be we thoroughly enjoyed our day!

After packing up and leaving the zoo we headed to Stride Rite to get her some shoes. She needed shoes so badly. When she is in her walker she drags her little piggies across the ground. This, in turn, scrapes the skin off her toes around her toenails. The piggies end up being a bloody mess after a day outside. She never seems to be bothered by the issue, but it bothers me. I thought shoes would solve this issue. I had envisioned the little white high top leather shoes that we grew up wearing. They don't make those anymore! The only shoes they had were flashy, pink, sparkly tennis shoes and things of that nature. A friend recommended a store across the street from the mall. We fell in love with all the cute shoes they had. She is officially the owner of a pair of quilted Toms and white squeaky shoes. I really hope the shoes help her toes. I also hope they will help her stand flat footed. She is a tip toe kind of gal.

When we got home from our Memphis Excursion I dropped Suzy off at Mimi's house. Her and Papaw wanted to spend some time with her. While Suzy was there Lauren, Kalon, and I went to Kyoto to have hibachi, cruised to Shell for fountain drinks, and came home to talk the night away. At midnight I decided to call it a night. It is always so nice to have time to catch up with great friends. We thoroughly enjoyed our night out. All in all, Saturday was a pretty great day.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Snoring Beauty

Suzy has been battling ear infections and allergies all summer. Not only does she have these problems, but she snores ridiculously loud and makes all sorts of racket when she is concentrating hard on something. Sounds like wheezing almost when she is awake. When she is asleep she sounds like a 600 lb man with a cold. I am not exaggerating one single bit. At the lake house, Suzy's bed is in our bedroom. When we were there over Labor Day Scott had to sleep on the couch one night. She is so loud that neither of us got any sleep. I have brought these problems up to not one, but two pediatricians. They all blame it on allergies, heat, humidity, etc. They have put her on antibiotics for every ear infection, which I was totally fine with. But, they started her on Singulair daily and told me to use Zyrtec and Claritin if needed. I thought I was okay with that, but then started questioning it too. I feel like if she is started on a daily medication this young that when she really needs it she will be immune to it? I may be totally wrong, but I just don't feel great about all that medicine at such a young age. I called an Ear, Nose, Throat specialist in Southaven and told the nurse the problems that we were having. She informed me that we definitely needed to come see the doctor to get his opinion. I was able to take her to see him last Thursday. He told me that he definitely recommended that we have tubes put in her ears. He also told me he was 98% sure that she needed to have her adenoids removed. He is also going to run a scope down her esophagus while she is under anesthesia to make sure that is all okay. He also told me the snoring and the wheezing was not allergy related and that she could quit taking all those medications! I was thrilled with the doctor and feel comfortable that he knows what he is doing. Her surgery is scheduled for September 27, 2012. She will be getting tubes put in and we are pretty sure that the adenoids will be removed. I am very anxious about the surgery, but I feel sure that everything will be just fine.
Suzy at the lake during Labor Day.

Suzy sized life jacket. Her snoring didn't affect her sleep. She was a happy girl all weekend. Scott and I were the only sleep deprived folks there.
A few of Suzy's favorite things:

1. Her walker is still on the top five list. We take it everywhere and can count on it to entertain her. Every grandparent in the family has one that stays at their house, too. We love that thing. The only downside to the walker is how dirty her feet get. She figures out how to get shoes off her feet everytime I get them on her.

2. Animals. She is obsessed with all animals. Lucy, Mimi's dog, is great with her. My dogs, Bella and Lola, are not very good with her. I fear that they will have to find new homes when she starts walking. I sure hope they adjust quickly. Being jealous is not going to pay off for them. She not only loves dogs.... She loves all animals.

3. She loves being outside. I do get brave and put her in the grass some afternoons. She is infatuated with grass and leaves. She goes straight for everything that she isn't supposed to. Of course, grass and leaves go straight to her mouth (as does everything else).
The piggies aren't always this dirty. But, we take that walker everywhere. This is one of the days we had it at the shop visiting Papaw.

The sweet gals at Tattle Tales took Suzy out to play with the horses when they were at daycare. They said she loved it!

Such a grown up.

She is on a hunt for leaves!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Field Trips

Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons tend to get a bit borning for Suzy and I. They are pretty boring for Jill, Ford, and John Brantley (better known as Chevy around my house) too. Jill and I talk about doing fun stuff with the kiddos all the time. I am constantly trying to think of interesting things to do with Suzy. I know she is pretty young and there isn't a lot of places we can go that she will enjoy. Being friends with girls that have older children is great. We can just "tag along" on their adventures. Adventure days fill up our afternoons which turns a boring day into a fun day. Jill and I decided that it was time for an outing. We planned to meet at Dad's Hot Rod Shop one afternoon. It was the perfect Field Trip. It was free and we could actually touch the items being presented to Ford. Ford is in love with anything that has a motor or wheels, I think. Perfect obession for the Hot Rod Shop. Suzy goes to the HRS all the time so it really was not out of our norm. The fun part was seeing Ford pretend. Ford even took Suzy along for some of his adventures in his imaginary world. It was such a fun little outing. Suzy and Ford got to play, Jill and I got to catch up on the day's events, and Chevy got to get some fresh air. I would say it was a successful day.
They are going to Mars, according to Ford.

Climbing on everything yet again.

Driving Uncle Casey's dragster to Mars.

Sweet Sue even has Uncle wrapped!
Ford even took Chevy along for the ride. Mom played along quite nicely too.
Kalon and I got bored another afternoon this past week and decided to have an "8 Month Old" photoshoot of Suzy. We went to Como Trace and Jill's land across the street from our neighborhood. The pictures turned out pretty good considering I am no photographer. Kalon is one of Suzy's favorite people. Suzy even loves Kalon after she let her face plant into the mulch of the flower beds at Como Trace. Kalon and I got a huge laugh out of that whole fiasco after knowing that Suzy was okay. Suzy being the tough girl she is didn't make a fuss over her little trip face first into the dirt. Besides that one accident we were pretty successful.

She is really into scrunching up her nose these days!

We also took a trip to the Mom's pool. Daddy was ready for some good quality"fun time" with Suzy since he doesn't get to see her very often. Sweet Sue LOVES swimming and bath tub time. Anytime there is water involved she is one happy girl.

Naked=Happy in Suzy's world.
I apparently had more photos to share than stories this go round!