Suzy in the Sunflowers

Suzy in the Sunflowers

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Prankville, USA- Part II

Kalon and I were extremely bored last weekend. It was beautiful outside and we were looking for any excuse we could find to "stay in trouble". The Fox is one of those presents that just keeps on giving. Yes, I knew I had put him in my backseat. Yes, I was fully aware that he didn't run away or escape my vehicle. Every single time I opened my back door thing scared the dickens out of me all over again. The very same night I opened the door to my Tahoe to get Suzy's diaper bag out. He was sitting there. Staring at me. He scared the mess out of me. I screamed, yet again.
Tell me he wouldn't scare you, too!!
Scott left to go play golf that afternoon. When he left we decided it was time to share the wealth of Mr. Fox with him. We put him in the floorboard of his truck just like Larry had done to me. We left to go to town to look for Sue Baby some tennis shoes. While we were gone Scott came home, opened his truck door, and got the shock of the day! He called us. We asked what his reaction was.... He said he cursed us pretty good and threw the old fellow in the yard. When Kalon and I pulled back up at home this is how we found him.
He wasn't kidding when he said he threw him in the yard!
While we were in town I was telling Kalon about Jill being out of town for the day. Then it hit us..... It was pay back time!!! She left the extra key out for me that day, because I had to pick up my camera from her house. I returned the key to the given spot so I knew where I could find it again. She gave me permission to go in her house that morning. She wouldn't mind me going in her house that afternoon, right?! We picked up Fox at my house and headed to Jill's. Jill blogs all the time. Her blog a few weeks ago informed all readers that she runs her dishwasher every night along with her washer and dryer. Ding, Ding, Ding!! We have at least two options of where Fox could hide and wait. We put him in the dishwasher first, but it didnt' work out as we had planned.
His ear wouldn't cooperate with us!
If option one couldn't work option two was always up for grabs. We decided option two was our best bet. Fox was ever so cleverly placed in Jill's dryer. Not only did we know that she would see him that day, but we wanted him to be somewhere that wouldn't scare Ford. The dryer was the perfect spot. We planted him and left. I did text more often than normal wanting an up to date status of where she was and what she was doing. She responded to one text saying something about being tired. I replied with, "and I'm sure there is laundry to be done and dishes to be washed". She agreed with the message :)
It worked!!!! She sent me a text that read, "Come get it. Come get it now. I am not touching this thing". Kalon and I were elated that our little scheme played out! She screamed. That is all I wanted. I had to go get Fox from her house because she refused to touch him. Good thing I was right around the corner. We went in to get Fox and shared a few laughs together. It was priceless. Yet another good time for a video camera to be near.

The Fox made one last trip that afternoon. He got planted at my mom's house. After we got Mom. She got Dad.
Where Fox waited for Mom.
That Fox provided plenty of entertainment for the Prankville, USA community. What sucks is that now.... IT IS WAR!!!

Until next time.....

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