Suzy in the Sunflowers

Suzy in the Sunflowers

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Snoring Will Continue....

Dr. Chanin scheduled Suzy’s appointment for Thursday morning. LeBonheur called me early Monday morning to confirm the time and date of the surgery. They informed me that 5:45 AM is when we needed to be at the hospital for “registration”. I had no idea you had to register for surgery?! So, 5:45 AM would call for a 3:30 AM wake up call….. It was torture waking up that early. There were poor little kiddos all over the surgery floor of the hospital. The worst part of the whole morning was the sitting and waiting. The sitting and waiting wouldn’t be nearly as bad if we weren’t doing anything and everything to keep Suzy happy. She was a bit irritated that we woke her up early, and even more irritated that we didn’t give her the breakfast that she normally inhales. She ate her bedtime meal at 7:00 PM, Tuesday night and didn’t get to eat again until surgery was over and she had been in recovery for an hour. She was hungry and she was not happy that no one was doing anything about it.
Being super serious in the 1st waiting room of the day!

The security guard did a wonderful job spelling Scott's name didn't he? Michael turned into Richael.

Then the security guard shared the love with me and misspelled my name too. I know, I know..... It is really time for me to have my name changed. Three years married and I am still going by "Geeslin". I just do not want to go to the SS office.
They called us back into the second waiting room around 7:00 AM. The nurse took all Suzy’s vitals and gave us her cute little gown and slippers to change her into. Suzy was really starting to show her true colors by then. She was throwing a fit!! The nurse promised that she would be called back into surgery around 8:30. The nurse was right. After the anesthesiologist and the doctor came by to chit chat with us they were ready for her. Of course, when they came to get her she had fallen asleep. They gave Scott and me the option of going back with her. I declined. I didn’t need to see her in that state. No way, Jose’. We gave her sugar and told her we loved her and headed into the waiting room.
That was the first wristband that they gave Suzy. She chewed it off. Our little "goat girl" was hungry!

Is this not the cutest picture ever!!!

She finally gave up trying to eat everything in sight and decided she would take a little siesta on Daddy's chest.
We were probably in the waiting area for about 25 minutes and she had already been moved to the recovery room. The doctor called us into a counseling room to speak with us about what all he had to do…… They were SUPPOSED to remove her adenoids, place tubes in her ears, and run a scope down her esophagus to make sure her airways were cleared (due to the snoring problem). Well, the doctor gave us good news. He didn’t have to remove the adenoids. They weren’t enlarged, so there was no need in taking them. He did put tubes in her ears and he ran the scope down to the top of her lungs and there were no problems. She will just continue to snore until she grows out of it. He gave me a fancy name for the condition that she has, but I cannot remember what he called it. He described it to me as a lid on a toilet. Instead of her lid being firm it was floppy. So, pretty much she is snoring due to a floppy piece in her windpipe. I am just relieved to know that there is nothing major going on with her. The heavy snoring was really starting to worry me to death. I am super glad that they went ahead and confirmed there were no problems while she was under anesthesia. If nothing else, it puts my mind at ease.

After all the good news it was time to go back into the recovery area. Well, let me just tell you. It was not fun at all. It was extremely hard to see her like that. The nurse had started her on a bottle of pedialyte before we had gotten back there. She just looked so sweet and pitiful. She had all sorts of cords hanging off of her and taped to her. THEN, the pedialyte bottle was empty….. Boy, she was flopping all over the place, screaming bloody murder. She was NOT happy. We started scrambling for more juice. They would only allow her clear liquids (they said she didn’t need anything too heavy). As long as we kept the juice coming she was happy. But, as soon as the juice was gone the madness started all over again. They told us it was all due to being put under. They said that babies don’t understand what is going on, cannot recognize anything, are spinning, and are starving. I think I would be pretty ticked off if that happened to me too. After about 35-40 minutes she started settling down and they started getting us ready to be discharged. The nurse gave Hubs directions on how to pick Suzy and me up. She wheeled us out to the car and we were on our way home! They released us at 9:45. So, we were there for a total of 4 hours. I would say that is pretty darn good.

On the journey home Suzy fell asleep about 10 minutes into the drive. What did she start doing? Snoring. The child snored the whole way home. I am glad to know the snoring is ok, because if she didn’t snore I would probably really freak out. It is now just normal to us. If she didn’t snore we would wake up a dozen times a night and panic because we didn’t hear her.

Jill’s boys gave Suzy a “Get Well Soon” present. She absolutely loved it. It was the cutest little baby doll and some snacks. She also cooked us an amazing meal and chess squares for dessert. We sure are blessed with amazing friends.
I told her she had to open it all by herself!

The baby giggles! She looooves it. That Lamar family keeps us stocked with toys. The tonka truck, the exersaucer, and now a giggling baby.... What would we do without them?

And, of course, she is a huge fan of snacks! The Lamars did great picking out a gift to lift her spirits.
Mom put a roast in the Croc Pot for us that morning. She also stayed at my house until we arrived home from the hospital. Scott and I ate lunch and took a nice nap. Mom and Linda occupied Suzy while we got some rest. We had a babysitter and supper ready for us by 5:15. I could get used to that kind of pampering.
Suzy had supper while we ate our supper. Green beans and mashed potatoes. She loves to make a mess. I always regret giving her food like this. I forget that I have to clean the mess up.
The night didn’t go quite as smoothly as the day did. She woke up several times after being put down for “bedtime”. We are blaming it on her being uncomfortable and hungry. Every time she woke up she wanted something to eat.
All in all, she was a trooper. I cannot complain about one thing that went on at the hospital that morning except the fact that we had to be there so early and the surgery start time wasn’t until 8:00. But, nothing can be perfect, right?

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