Suzy in the Sunflowers

Suzy in the Sunflowers

Friday, September 28, 2012

Tunica's Finest

We had a busy, busy day last Saturday!! Suzy's day started off with a trip to the soccer fields with "Auntie Laurie". Lauren took Suzy to the soccer game so I could prepare for the rest of the day's activities and get myself dressed in peace. Ah, it is amazing what an hour of uninterrupted time can do for a mama. I got so much done in such a short amount of time. Suzy had a big ole time at the fields. She got to meet a new friend, Evie. They got to play in the grass, in the stroller, and with Suzy's toys. I heard from bystanders that Suzy is not a very good sharer. We may need to start working on that. Suzy really does enjoy anything outside, so a trip to a soccer game was a good move.
I think Suzy was very intrigued with Evie's pretty little outfit. I think Evie was thinking, "I wonder what I can do to get into that stroller thing that baby is in??".
This must be about the time that the "I don't want to share my toys AND my stroller" attitude hit.
I guess Suzy figured out how to get out the stroller. After Suzy was out of the stroller Evie decided she would take over.

When Lauren and Suzy got back from the soccer game I had everything packed up and ready to go. We got Suzy fed and changed and headed to Tunica. Papaw was at a car show down there and he wanted to show Suzy off along with all his cool cars. Papaw is so proud of Suzy. He was even prouder that we came down there. Mimi was beside herself too. She wouldn't even let us out of the car with her. She had to meet us and stroll her to their tent while Lauren and I parked the car. She was just too excited to show her off to all her friends. My parents have been doing car shows since I was in the womb. I guess since they raised me in blazing hot parking lots, grassy areas, and arenas they think Suzy should be raised there too? No, I don't have much interest in cars and stuff, but I absolutely love seeing my dad in his element. That is worth it all. Just to see him so happy and full of pride makes me like enjoy being at functions like that. He is such a special man to me. I will do anything I can to make him happy. Being at car shows and bringing Sue Baby with me makes him happy, so we will continue the tradition :)

Yes, those are her fancy shoes that we were so thrilled about purchasing on our last field trip. She can get them off. And, where do they go when she gets them off? Her mouth. Along with every other thing she can find.
After leaving the car show we went to the outlet mall to get Sue some new threads. She didn't have many fall/winter clothes. We overbought for summer.... Shirley, Kalon, Lauren, Mimi, and I went wild. We bought way too many things for the rotten baby.
We had a very busy day. It was busy, but very exciting. The ride home wasn't as exciting. Suzy was tired and hungry. She threw a royal fit for about ten minutes. She eventually gave it up and went to sleep. Poor baby girl needed some beauty rest. She woke up in a good mood and gave us a few more minutes to play with her while hanging up all her new clothes! I have just as much fun re-looking at all her clothes as I do when I buy myself new stuff. Oh, baby girls are just to die for.
She would rather be naked, but only a diaper satisfies her just as well sometimes. Who needs clothes anyway? Auntie Laurie had to add the bow to the nonexistent outfit, of course.

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