My sweet little Suzy has been lucky enough to stay away from the doctor since her 1 year old check up. Of course, we have had to see family practitioners, pharmacists, specialists, etc.... But, she hasn't graced her pediatricians office in over a year. We aren't lucky enough to say that she has been well for over a year, but we are lucky to have great family docs and local pharmacists to help us out. Anything we can do to stay out of the pediatricians office, we do.
Don't you wish we could sleep that good? |
She MUST have her Bug, Pillow, Wowo, Wowo Banket, and her Banket every night. And, yes, she leaves the "l" and of bLanket. |
This is why her banket is so special... She sticks her fingers through it and picks the fuzz off the yarn. My 2nd Mama that raised me in Starvkille, "Mama B", made it for Suzy. She also made Baby Wowo's Banket. Mama B (Mrs. Donna) made the smaller blanket for Suzy at Christmas. She had intentions of it being our travel blanket, as did I. It turned out to be Wowo's banket. Now, we have to carry "Suzy's Banket" and "Wowo's Banket" everywhere instead of just Suzy's. |

As a matter of fact, a couple weekends ago Suzy was very sick. Her "Amy" at Tattle Tales sent me a text one Friday afternoon that said Suzy was coughing so much that she had gagged and thrown up. Mimi picked Sue up from daycare that day, and called me about her coughing. I sent them to see Mr. Lynn at City Drug (we LOVE them), and he recommended medicine for Sue. Later Friday night, she just didn't seem to be doing any better. She was very lethargic, wouldn't eat, and was running a low grade temp. I panicked because I had talked to my friend, Hillary about her daughter. Hillary's baby (Tinsley) and Suzy are in the same class at TT. Tinsley had been diagnosed with pneumonia and had shown some of the same symptoms that Suzy was displaying. Scott was traveling in from South Carolina, so when he got home I let him bathe and get his truck unloaded then informed him that I thought we needed to take Sue to LeBonheur. By the time we had her loaded up in the car, gotten gas, and were about to leave town her medicine had kicked in and she was as chipper as could be. She was laughing, talking, dancing, etc. Needless to say, we saved that two thousand dollars and turned around.... The only doctor she saw that weekend was Dr. Mama. I am so thankful for our pharmacist that helps us out so much. Without him we would have probably ended up at LeBonheur.
She crawled up in her chair and before I could get her pajamas out of her drawer she had fallen asleep. She refused to even take a bath, and bath time is one of her favorite times of the day. |
You can tell my baby didn't feel good at all. |
I am proud to report that Suzy perked right on up, and is feeling much better!
She got to go outside and enjoy the weather the next weekend. |
She's obsessed with her new cool sunglasses Laurie bought her! |
I took Suzy to see her pediatrician for her 2 year check up Monday afternoon.
Here are her stats:
Height: 34 inches (50th percentile)
Weight: 28 lbs, 6 oz (75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 19 inches (50th percentile)
The doctor asked me the following questions, these were my answers... (and then what I was thinking in my head)
1. Is she giving any hints that she may be ready to start poddy training? Yes......If you mean: She will pee and poop in her diaper and announce that she has done it, sit on her toilet and use "it" ONLY when I am going poddy, tell the whole world when she has passed gas, take her diaper off when she is wet, etc.... Then YES she is ready to be poddy trained.... We have been practicing, but I am not 100% full force on it yet. I am trying to wait until it warms up and she can be outside a lot without a diaper on. I am hoping that Spring Break will allow us to try harder than we have been. She uses her poddy 2-3 times per day and will poddy before she gets in the bath tub (most of the time).
2. Is she talking in sentences? Yes... are you kidding me?! She talks TOO much, sometimes. There are certain instances when I wish she would use the filter that God gave her, and not talk. Especially if it is a conversation about her boobs or her nana (or mine, or Mimi's, or Gigi's, or KK's, or Laurie's, etc), passing gas, using bodily functions, etc. She literally will get picked up by one of the many women in her life and say, "ohhhhhhhhhhh, BIIIIIIG, HEAVY boobies" or in my case, "Mama, booby gone".... She told her Amy that her "Mama poops in her pants" (I have never pooped in my pants----- as far as she knows), and if you accidently poot out loud she will yell, "ewwwww stinky poot". The child will say ANYTHING. I don't know where on earth she gets that from?!?!
3. Does she drink from a sippy cup? Yes......if there isn't a bottle around, a Shell cup, or a Tervis tumbler sitting around. She WILL drink from a sippy cup, but she prefers not to.
Little Miss Rotten---- The blue cup pictured..... Yes, that's a Shell cup. |
4. Does she use a fork and spoon properly? Yes...... when she decides she wants to eat. We have supper every single night at my house. She may eat one night out of those seven. She is super picky and finicky. She would much rather have "hot corn" (popcorn) or "cheetos". If she eats anything that I cook, it will be corn or edamame. Those are two of the things she is guaranteed to at least pick at. She would rather cook than eat.
Cooking waffles with Papaw! |
Cooking biscuits for Laurie! |
Making brownies with KK! |
5. Can she hit and kick? Yes......If you are referring to how well she can kick and scream when she gets put in time out, how she kicks Lola for sniffing her food, and how she swings at me when I don't give her exactly what she wants. Suzy doesn't want her food, but she doesn't want anyone or anything else to get near it. She gets angry, angry, angry.
6. Has she been to the dentist yet? No.....Don't worry, we are going to the dentist. She loves brushing her teeth. She even lets me brush them for her. Her favorite is brushing her tongue though. She has a mouth full of pretty teeth :)
7. Is she ready for a brother/sister? HELLLL.... I MEAN, HECK NO! My Suzy takes up sooo much of my time and is so demanding and rotten, I cannot imagine devoting my time to two babies! I do think about having other babies sometimes, but it is usually when I am around little babies or someone points out how rotten Suzy is. They always insist that she has "only child syndrome", but I honestly just cannot handle another one right now. Maybe one day.....
These are all the kiddos I can handle! I have 3 girls--- Suzy, Laurie, and KK! My hands are full :) |