Suzy in the Sunflowers

Suzy in the Sunflowers

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Chunky Monkey

First and foremost- I am trying to blog while I watch the MSU vs LSU football game. I am sitting at home alone in the recliner wrapped in my MSU blanket screaming and yelling at the TV. Man, I wish I were a spec of white in that stadium. Thursday night games make me miss college life even more! JoAnne and I are blackberry messaging while we watch. Three years ago we were in The Junction cheering for them. Gosh, how times change!!

As times are changing our house is changing, too! I cleaned out the nursery Sunday afternoon and pulled all the furniture that was originally in the room to the middle of the floor so Frankie could come paint Suzy's room. He came Tuesday morning and painted her room a lovely shade of "Gossamer Blue". I absolutely adore the color. It looks so clean and refreshing. I am so glad that I picked the color. It matches the fabric for the bedding perfectly.

The color doesn't show up too great, but you get the gist. The lighting in the room wasn't very good when I took the picture.

Yesterday afternoon I went by mom's work to chit chat with her. While I was there we looked online to investigate the baby bed situation. The Internet said "available in stores" finally!!! I called the Memphis store and they confirmed that they could indeed order the bed for me. The lady on the phone said, "Make sure you hurry to get here. There are only 10 in the warehouse and it looks like they go quick". Of course those words stressed me out. I was trying to figure out how on Earth I was going to get to Wolfchase that night. I was completely drained from work and knew that I would just be too exhausted to go. So, I called my friend Mandy Elizondo and she agreed to go to Babies R Us and order the bed for me! She had to do all the dirty work! It pays to have friends that live in those pesky urban areas :) After paying 20% of the price of the bed for me she had it ordered. It will be here in 7-14 days. This is such a huge relief. That baby bed was causing some stress around this house!! I cannot wait to get it put together in her little room. One more piece to the "nursery puzzle" is now added!
This is the picture of the crib that Babies R Us has posted.

I went to the doctor to have the "total scan" of Suzy Monday. It was the coolest thing that I have ever seen in my life. We watched her on the monitor for about 30 to 40 minutes. She was all over the place. My grandmother went with me to this appointment and she was in awe at how technology can show you all that. She has never seen an ultrasound before so this was the perfect scan for her to see. Suzy is a very healthy baby girl. The ultrasound tech says she is going to be a little "chunky monkey". She is already a few ounces overweight (she is supposed to be 10 oz and she is weighing around 14). I will take a big bulky baby any day :) It is so nice to be able to see her and know she is doing great!!

Ella Suzanne Smith at 21 weeks!

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