Suzy in the Sunflowers

Suzy in the Sunflowers

Thursday, January 26, 2012

First Two Weeks

Our first two weeks have been like a rollercoaster ride. We have had our ups and downs, good days and bad, and great nights and not so great nights. I would not trade one moment for anything in this world, though. Suzy is by far the greatest thing that has ever happened to Scott and I. Motherhood is a job that no one could have prepared me for. All the helpful hints that everyone shared with me before her arrival were great, but no one told me about things like: babies having problems pooping, switching formulas, nipple sizes for bottles, oh the list could go on and on.....

Week One
We got home Monday the 9th around one o'clock. As soon as we walked in the door the whirlwind started. She started fussing because she was hungry and I was not prepared to feed her. I had bags to get out of the car, lunch waiting on me, and a shower calling my name. That is when it hit me.... My life is no longer about ME, it is all about HER. After that realization I strolled into the nursery with my bags still in my car, my lunch getting cold, and unshowered and prepared to feed her. I was breastfeeding, which took me a lot of preparation. Scott had to help me mound pillows and the boppy at just the right height and then get her situated. This process along with her feeding took a good hour. I produced plenty of milk for her, but the breastfeeding didn't last long for us. The time consuming process, the lack of sleep, and her feeling bad put a stop to the madness after 5 days of doing it. I gave it my best shot, but it just was not for us. She wasn't happy and I wasn't happy. The last day that we tried breastfeeding was a nightmare. Everything that Scott said to me, every time she cried, every time it was feeding time I bawled and squalled. I quit breastfeeding and she seemed much more satisfied and I was actually sane again. I think that breastfeeding is great, but it just didn't work out for us. The week went on with many sleepless nights due to her tummy being upset. I thought she may have a little colic after researching her symptoms, but I think now that it is just gas and pooping issues. Sunday we had newborn pictures, which was an absolute disaster. Rachel came to take her pictures during her normal "awake time". I should have known better. Rachel is great and handled it amazingly... Me on the other hand, I didn't. I think I cried or teared up as much as Suzy did. Suzy did not like having her picture taken... not one bit. After two hours of her screaming I finally called it quits and just hoped that we would get some good pictures out of the ones that Rachel had taken. I got our CD full of images back and they are great! I am very pleased. I hope that the three month pictures go a little better :)

Week Two
Suzy continued to be very fussy through the nights and afternoons, so I got a little paranoid and alarmed and started calling the pediatrician every day. I guess they got sick of me calling... The scheduled me an appointment to just come see the doctor. That made me happy. The doctor informed me that Suzy was just unaware that she controlled her bowel movements and that she would eventually learn. He told me to switch formulas and get some faster nipples so she got the feeling of being "full" better. He also told me to check her temperature rectally every other feeding to stimulate a movement. We have been doing that and things got a little better. It still isn't great, but it is better!
Scott had to go back to work this week. The news of that made me extremely sad. It is amazing how wonderful he has been throughout this transition. He is so attentive and helpful. I knew he would be a great daddy, but I had no idea how great of a daddy he would be. With him being gone I have been on night and day duty. I have been very tired, but have been working through it. I have been trying to nap when she naps, but it is pretty hard to do when I have a house that needs tending to as well. Suzy and I have gotten out a couple times. The first trip was to the pediatrician, which went great. We also went to my mom and Scott's mom's work to let everyone meet her. She did great then, too. Everyone loves her! How could they not? Of course, I try to get by Sonic a couple times a week to get a Route 44 Diet Coke :) She doesn't mind my dollar a day indulgence. She likes to ride!
My mom, Scott's mom, and my Memaw have been so much help. I am so grateful that they are so close. Gram (Scott's mom) stayed with us Saturday night so I could get some rest. It was absolutely wonderful!! I fell asleep at ten o'clock and didn't get up until nine the next morning. I slept so hard that I woke up sore.

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