Kalon, Lauren, and I signed up for the St. Jude Half Marathon over the summer. The fun part of signing up for it was raising $500 each for the sweet babies; The not so fun part has been training for this long 13.1 mile run. I don't know what gave me the idea that I would be able to run that far? I must have been feeling way better about myself a few months ago. I am not very sure of myself now. Kalon and I have been training together because we run about the same pace and we live so close to each other. Lauren has been extremely busy lately, so we don't see much of her these days. Suzy misses her dearly, but Kalon and I really miss her. Her schedule needs to slow down so we can hear that loud, obnoxious laugh again! But, back to the training... We have to run 4 days a week (Saturdays are long run days) and on the "off" days we have to bike. I have to get a sitter when I am running, because Suzy isn't a huge fan of being in the stroller for long runs. We don't run under 3 miles a day now, so that leaves me finding someone to look after Suzy on running days. I cannot fathom asking anyone to watch her on biking days too, so Kalon and I decided that we needed to get one of those fancy seats for the back of my bike. It was a brilliant idea. Suzy loves it and I am hauling around an extra 30 lbs. It is great for her to get some fresh air, and it is great for my thighs with all the extra weight on my bike (hahahaha). We had to go to Wally World and scoop up Sue Baby a helmet before she could start riding with us. I figured the helmet would be a disaster. Boy was I wrong! She loves her "hat"! When she sees our bike she gets all excited and wants her "hat" and wants to go "cycle". Her favorite part and my least favorite part of cycling is hitting bumps!

Mom and Casey scooped us up this nifty little bike rack for my car. Now, Kalon and I can take the bikes to random starting points to get some new routes.
While KK and I were in Wally World one night looking for a tube for her tire, we ran across these lovely jewels. We couldn't bring ourselves to buy the lovely "hats", but they sure were fun to try on. |
Earlier in the week, Suzy and I came home to spend the afternoon outside. We went by The Color Studio so Anna Marie could wax the caterpillars off my forehead (aka- eyebrows), cleaned my car, played in the dirt, and watered the flowers before Kalon got off work. KK came to our house for a quick visit that turned into a Glamour Shot Party. Suzy actually wanted to get her toenails painted. She asked for pink and picked the pink out that she wanted. Her wish was my command.
Danita (NeNe) gave Suzy THREE suckers while we were at The Color Studio. |
I heard paper noises in the backseat and assumed she had opened ONE sucker. I was wrong. She had opened all 3 suckers. |
She ate all three suckers too.
We couldn't just stop with pretty toes. We had to fix her hair and have her make up done too. All pretty girls must be treated as a princess every once in a while, right?
Before the make up-- She had on one of my headbands, a ponytail, and 3 hair clips |
Who knew lipstick was for your eyes?! |
And hair? |
She saw herself in the mirror..... |
Ohhhhhhhhh someone knows she has really messed up! |
After a pedicure, hair, and makeup...... She HAD to use MY toothbrush! |
This was me when I was a wee little one. My aunt Lolo had let me play dress up too! I can say that I know I didn't braid my own hair like that. Either my cousin, Amanda did it or my older Aunt Lolo had no skills in braiding hair. |
We had so much fun letting Suzy play with all the big girl stuff. We laughed hysterically and she thought she was a movie star. Doing stuff like that with her is so much fun for me. I think she should stay at this age. She is hilarious to do stuff with now.
The farthest we have had to run to date has been 5 miles. We were supposed to run 6 this Saturday, but I was worn completely out. The past week at school kicked my tail, exercising everyday for hours at a time had taken its toll on me, and Scott not coming home this weekend added to the mounting stress. I needed a break. I needed to rest. I got exactly what the doctor ordered. Linda picked up Suzy yesterday afternoon to give me a break.
I was feeling super proud of myself that day. It was the day I ran 5 miles without stopping! I was pumped. |
Kalon and I did absolutely nothing but eat, watch movies, and nap all afternoon yesterday. In between napping we made a divine cake. It was a recipe that KK had tucked away. It is seriously the best cake I have ever put in my mouth. Oh my gosh, you must try this recipe.
Butter Cake
Ingredients: 1 box of butter recipe cake mix, 4 eggs, 8 oz of sour cream, 1 tsp. of vanilla, 1 stick of margarine, 3/4 cup of oil, 3/4 cup of sugar
Procedure: mix all ingredients & bake at 350 for about 40 mins
I am not kidding, you have gotta make this for your next baking day. I would have taken a picture to post, but the cake is almost gone and ours turned out to be a lovely shade of pink/red. We accidentally added red food coloring instead of vanilla. After we saw the red in the bowl, I realized the mistake and added the "for real vanilla". Today I cut a piece and added a little chocolate frosting to the top of it and zapped it for about ten seconds... OH MY GOSH!!! Heavenly....
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