My Suzy is growing up far too quickly. As she is growing up I am losing that "down time" that I used to have to blog. It seems like I only have a chance to quickly catch up on the blog like once a month. I have so many notes of stuff to blog about, but the notes start in August and continue to date. I will just have to hit the highlights until I can get more disciplined to make myself stay up a few minutes longer to blog when she goes to bed.
Sue Bird is all about her manners. Memaw, the girls at Tattle Tales, and everyone around her helps me teach her manners (I am a big manners Mama, kids these days don't have any and I refuse to not teach Suzy how to be respectful). She says "thank you" and "welcuuuuum" after anything is given to her, done for her, or we tell her thank you for doing something for us. If you do not say "thank you" if she does something for you, she will remind you to say it. The same goes for saying "you're welcome". If she says "thank you", you better respond with "welcome/you're welcome". When she is saying her courtesies she sounds like a true southern belle. She makes those vowels drag out as long as possible. Nothing as sweet as a Mississippi baby, I tell ya, nothing at all.
Some of the reasons that I tell Suzy, "Thank You"......
"Thanks for wasting all the wet wipes, Suzy!" |
"Thank you for letting me put a bow in your hair!" |
"Thank you for keeping the bow in your hair for longer than 20 seconds!" |
"Thank you for finding my tampons for me!" |
"Thank you for getting the bugs out of the pool!" |
Some of the reasons Suzy tells me/us "Thank You".....
"Thank you, Mimi, for letting me use all your hamburger buns to feed the ducks!" |
"Thank you, Mimi, for using your loaf of bread too!" |
"Thank you, Mimi, for using your hot dog buns!"
"Thank you, Mama, for the Bugles!" |
"Thank you, Mama, for letting me ruin your beautiful bushes! I love digging in potting soil while I am butt naked in the front yard!" |
"Thank you, Mama, for the Reese's!" |
Suzy uses her manners nicely, is speaking very well, and is as independent as ever. We can pass by the Shell station (my life support pit stop), and she will start yelling, "drink". If I stop at Shell she wants to go inside and pick out her own snack. Most of the time she gets the animal crackers that have icing on them or Cheeto's. She picked up chocolate chip pecan cookies one day, but I quickly turned her attention back to the animal crackers. I didn't want to waste $1.69 on some cookies I figured she would hate! We can pass by NWCC and she knows that his where Mimi is. Bancorp South is where her Gigi is, Performance Auto is where Papa is, and The Hot Rod Shop is where Casey, Lissa, and PawPaw are. If we are near Kalon's street she starts yelling "KK" as loud as possible. She recognizes what everyone drives and where everyone lives. She knows her friends' names at Tattle Tales and knows when she is going there or to Memaw's house by the roads I drive on in the morning.
These are the 2 buddies that she talks about the most.... Suzy, Tinsley, and Avery. |
She was a happy camper because I caved and got her a "dink" one morning at the Shell.... She is obsessed with "dinks"! |
She thoroughly enjoys it when I let her dress herself in the mornings before we go to Memaw's. When I say that she gets dressed, I simply mean that we change her diaper, clean her up, and put her pajama pants back on..... Mon.-Wed. are a dream :) Who cares if she puts both her legs in one leg hole?? Hey, she's being individualistic!
Suzy has been staying with Gigi on Wednesday nights so Kalon and I can train for our Half Marathon that's in December. I got this picture from her one morning and it just melted my heart..... The Sue Baby is growing up far too quickly!
Capri Sun and Cookies... Breakfast of Champions! |
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