Not only did we have the joy of having a puppy the first few weeks of summer, but Mimi also had the bright idea that we needed some baby ducks to live at her house. She has a pond at their house, but it is overrun with geese. She wanted some ducks to raise in hopes that they would stay around there. We did what all rednecks do, and headed to Trade Days one Saturday morning. Us and every other redneck from Tate, Panola, and DeSoto county were there. It was muddy as heck and smelled horrendous. We went down one aisle only. That aisle was enough. We headed straight for the animals. We found ducks, but they were all little bitty babies. Mimi wanted some that were a little bigger so they geese wouldn't hurt them and the turtles wouldn't eat them. She decided that she would get the little bitty ducks, and just keep them close to her house until they were big enough to go to the pond.... We ended up with four ducklings. Suzy thought they all needed to be named Duck Daisy, but we finally talked her out of that. We had Daisy, Donald, Neumon, and Harriet. Neumon and Harriet got their names in a very peculiar way. Dr. Neumon is a plastic surgeon in Memphis. He did some "work" for a friend of mine. One of the little ducklings found comfort on her chest, so we had to thank Dr. Neumon for that. His wife's name is Harriet, so the little duck that was the closest to him inherited the name Harriet.
All four little duckies. |
Suzy could not wait until we got home to hold them.... She had to hold them on the ride home too. |
Lucy thought she was their mama, and they thought she was their mama. They followed her around everywhere. |
They kept jumping in the swimming pool at Mimi's house. When we would get all four out, they would one by one jump back in. It was a never ending battle. We gave up, and they took over the pool.
Snazzy and Sue Baby swimming with the duckies. |
The four ducks that we bought sadly ended up being one lonely duck. Harriet and Neumon lasted longer than any of them, but only by two days. One afternoon, we found Neumon, and we decided that it was time for Harriet to get out of dodge. Mom sent her to Oxford to live with The Danfords. They have lots of ducks, so Harriet adjusted just fine. The chlorine from the pool and close by doggies didn't do these little ducklings any favors. We tried our best to keep them out of the pool and away from danger, but they were stubborn little rascals.
Neumon and Harriet resting in the shade. |
We learned our lesson.... We cannot keep little ducklings any safer by keeping them closer to the house. They may have had a better chance fighting off turtles and big, mean geese. We know from now on that all ducks must be mature before they go to the Geeslin residence.
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