Suzy and I had a very busy start to our summer break together. To start the summer break off, Suzy had swimming lessons with Lauren Spencer. Suzy went for a total of 5 days for about 45 minutes to an hour per day. The first day or two she was a little whiny, but eventually got over it. I was a smart mama. I decided that I didn't need to be around for the lessons, because Suzy tends to "show out" when I am around. After Lauren had taught her everything her brain could absorb for the day she would run out to the car to get me. We always left with a snack of some sort and a good report card. Suzy now knows how to swim underwater without a Puddle Jumper. It still scares me to death to think that my baby can actually swim! Not only did Suzy have swimming lessons with Lauren, but Mimi, Papaw, and Memaw took them too! Now, all the non-swimmers of the Geeslin/Pheasant household have some skills to save themselves from drowning.
Suzy left lessons with Pretzels this day. She usually opted for Cheetos or a Popsicle. |
After a week full of swimming and playing outside in the water, Suzy landed a major ear infection. She woke up one morning with blood running from her ears. I immediately called the doctor, and he fit her in the very same day. She had to take some major strong antibiotics and use some major expensive ear drops to clear up the infection. She never slowed down much from having such a bad infection. She kept good spirits the whole time.
The many.... |
faces of...... |
Suzy Smith. |
Suzy scored a sticker and a Popsicle at the doctor's office that day, but it wasn't enough. She had to go to Mimi's house for a "Top-Tart", better known as a Pop-Tart. |
Speaking of doctors.... Kalon asked us to take her cat TinkTink (short for Tinkerbell) to the vet one day. Tink had been limping for a while, and Kalon really thought she would get better on her own. Finally, Kalon decided she may need to be seen by the doctor, because she seemed to be healing slowly or not healing at all. Suzy and I loaded Tink up, and took her to the doctor. I described her symptoms to the best of my abilities. The doctor checked her over very thoroughly, and laughed as he told me that the cat "was perfectly fine". Scott O. suspected that Tink may be milking her injury to get some attention, and I think he was right! The old wise cat knows how to make someone feel sorry for her, that's for sure. As we were leaving the vet's office Suzy said, "Tink needs a Popsicle or somethan', Mama".... I had told Suzy earlier in the day that we had to take Tink to the doctor. Well, when Suzy goes to see a doctor she leaves with a Popsicle every time. She thought Tink deserved one as well!
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This is Tink. She's like 100 years old and weighs 43 lbs. I cannot imagine why she would be limping, can you? |
I have been really trying to poddy train Suzy while we have been out of school, but I am having zero luck. She will use the toilet, but you have to ask her or make her use it. She would rather keep playing than tell me that she needs to poddy. I have tried leaving her naked as much as possible to see if that would help. She has even started wearing big girl panties. One day she went through an entire pack of new panties before lunch. I sat her on the poddy every thirty minutes like clock work. As soon as she wouldn't "go", I would pull her panties back up and 5 minutes later she was "wet".
When she is ready, she will do it is what I keep telling myself. Gosh, I am SOOOO ready to quit buying diapers!
This particular morning, Suzy decided she would play in her boxes while being in her "birthday suit"... |
After "wetting" the previous box, she was summoned to a diaper. She didn't mind one bit. |
Suzy has also spent tons of time taking baths this summer. She takes at least an hour long bath in the morning and usually a 30 minute bath at night. Sometimes at night she doesn't even want to get out of the tub. She tells me she is going to sleep in the tub with her blanket towel. It is a fight to get her out and dressed for bed these nights.
Who knew a Jacuzzi tub could be a playpen for a two and a half year old? |
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