Scott and I got in the habit of playing golf some afternoons with several different couples over the summer. One of our favorite couples to pay with is JB and Jennifer Lowrie. JB and Scott were asked to play in a Night Golf Tournament at Batesville Country Club one Friday night. It was a super cool experience. Everything was glow in the dark and neon. Jennifer and I were quickly booted out of playing and given the gift of following behind them in the extra cart. That whole night I felt extremely tired and not my usual self. The next morning the tiredness hadn't subsided. The remainder of the weekend involved me feeling like a zombie. We actually went to dinner with Kalon and Scott, Renee and Jeremy, and Mary and Richie that Saturday night. After dinner, everyone wanted to go bowling. I was doing all I could just to stand up much less throw a bowling ball down the correct lane. I just didn't feel right. I couldn't even enjoy a beer, which is my beverage of choice. If I can't enjoy a beverage while out to dinner with friends knowing I have a babysitter for the night....
something is definitely wrong. We got home that Saturday night and I quickly fell asleep. I slept until lunch Sunday, and then picked Suzy up from Gigi's house. We went to Mimi's and Papaw's to swim. The whole time we were there I just didn't feel like myself. Getting out of the pool, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was pregnant. I didn't even have to take a pregnancy test at that point. I knew without a doubt. This didn't mean that I wouldn't take 10 just to be sure I was correct. Seriously, I had a test hidden at mom's house from when we lived there waiting on our house to close. I snuck in their house and took a test. It was positive. I had to hold it together enough to get Suzy and leave without completely falling apart. I left there and went to Walgreens and bought the biggest box of tests they had. I took every single one of them over the next few hours. Positive. Positive. Positive. Positive. Now, I am panicking..... Pure freaking panic mode.
My favorite golf partner, Jennifer. |
Hubs definitely has the wind blown look, huh? |
You see, Scott and I struggled to have Suzy. I tried forever which ended up in a fertility clinic appointment. The Monday before my Wednesday appointment I found out I was pregnant. God Thing for sure.... .I got off my birth control pills when my friend Renee got sick. I wanted to get off them because of the added hormones. When I got off of the pills everything in my life got better! I felt so much better. I didn't think I would get pregnant when I got off them, because we had to try so hard for Suzy.
There's no way that I can just accidentally get pregnant. I would have to really try to have another baby....YEAH. RIGHT.
So, for the rest of the afternoon I debated on how to tell Scott the news.....I just couldn't think of anything clever that wouldn't have taken more than a day to prepare for. I was just going to have to wing it. I knew he would come home from playing golf and cook supper. We had planned on having hamburgers for dinner. Perfect.
Dialogue between Scott and I-
Scott- have you seen the hamburger buns?
Me- Have you checked the oven?
Scott- the oven?
Me- Yeah, check the oven.
he walks around the corner and looks at me like I am a moron, then proceeds to open the oven..
Scott- what idiot would put buns in the oven?
I had walked around the corner by now to see what his reaction would be... There was a single bun in the oven.
I was also standing there with my shirt pulled up that said "bun" across my belly
Scott- (with a ghost white face) You are lying. No you aren't. No way. You are lying.
Me- (in tears) Surprise!!!
My belly at 153 lbs. Starting weight..... I am telling myself that I weighed 153 lbs due to CrossFit muscles! Muscle weighs more than fat, you know :) |
I have the whole conversation videoed. I wish I could post it on here! His face was absolutely hilarious!
Neither of us spoke about it much for the next hour or so... We didn't really want Suzy to catch on to what was going on. I was still walking around in a fog for several days, actually. I was in complete denial. And, I think Scott was too. I didn't even tell my family for several days. Denial. Finally, a few days later Scott asked me if I had taken another test to confirm the pregnancy. I laughed because the Good Lord knows I had already taken a truck load of them. I humored him, and I took another test. When it confirmed "pregnant", it was like we finally accepted it and starting moving forward.
Within the week we started telling family and friends. My dad said he knew something was up as soon as we pulled into the driveway. My Papa was so confused by his bag... We ended up having to tell him and Memaw just point blank because they couldn't ever figure it out. Their reactions were all sweet and congratulatory. These are the little bags that I fixed up with wine/beer/liquor inside them. I just bought little chalkboard stickers and wrote "pregnant", "knocked up", etc. on them... Cheap way to announce to the ones closest to you that actually enjoy a toddy every now and then! I actually had to go to Renee's house to get the bags together one day after school. She knew before anyone did, because my nerves were so messed up that I was making myself sick. I had to tell her in order to score some Zofran. She was such a good sport! I was just a ball of emotions and in complete shock!! After my nerves settled down, I never got sick again. I have only been very, very, very tired.

Suzy's reaction deserves her own blog entry... Stay tuned!
Congratulations! This IS a good thing! Suzy will benefit so much from a sibling and so will your family! Have FAITH! God is in control!