I made a very large mistake and told Suzy that FBC was having their Trunk or Treat event Friday night. I found out that I was terribly wrong Friday around lunch. I texted Ms. April and asked her to tell Suzy that I was wrong. As a reward, she requested her Pops pick her up for Coleman's BBQ. Pops quickly headed to save the day. One of her favorite restaurants is Coleman's because they make sausage patties for her anytime of day.
When Suzy woke up Saturday it was raining. It continued to until late afternoon. The weather finally cleared up around 4/5pm. Mimi went to Gigi's house to scoop her up, and I met them at Mimi's house with her costume and such. Suzy was devastated that it was raining and asked, "Why would Jesus let it rain today". The pure innocence of her question just melted my heart. I mean, what do you say to that?! We promised her a trip to see Oakey and KK if it was raining, and that perked her right up.
After getting Suzy dressed we headed over to Mimi's neighbors' house, Jon and Lakay Moore. It's a tradition to take pictures by their pretty mums every year, but the weather made it nearly impossible this year. I'll get Suzy to dress up again and take pictures one day soon, though. I hate to break the tradition. They are fun comparison pics. Jon and Lakay always have a fun, special treat for Suzy. We headed to Papa and Memaw's house next. They loved seeing their little mermaid!
Headed to Jon and Kay Moore's door... She was pumped. |
She loves her Jon and Kay Moore... And, yes she calls them "Jon Moore" and "Kay Moore". LaKay is actually "Kay Moore's" name. |
FBC was next on our agenda. We literally got there like 5 minutes early, and were the fifth or sixth group in line. By the time we finished our rounds there was a line a mile long. We definitely got there at the perfect time. Becker had Suzy a very special treat, as well. She did a great job saying "Trick or Treat" and "Thank You" to the adults/groups giving out candy. Last year she was too shy to say anything to the people she didn't know.
Suzy and her friend from school, Kaitlin. |
Daddy's first Halloween to ever be home. So proud!! |
Why can't the child look at the camera?! And, gracious, I just realized she was "letting it all hang out" up top! :) |
Becker had to have a special photo after giving Suzy her special prize. |
This little gumball machine stole my heart. Ava Beth is a Drew and April's baby and I could just eat her up! |
Even though the rain had cleared, Suzy still demanded we go see Oakey and KK. Oakey is Suzy's boyfriend. She is literally obsessed with him. I think he's probably a bit obsessed with his Sue Baby too! KK has been around so long that Suzy doesn't know life without her. After scoring another special treat from them, we went over to Richie and Mary Ayers' house. They were having a soup dinner and group trick or treat social. We hadn't planned on staying, but I am so glad we did. Suzy had a blast. The big girls (Lilly and Kate) took over Suzy and helped her to the houses for candy. They made her night! This was the first year that Suzy actually seemed to enjoy/understand the holiday. It was a great night!!! So great that we ended up leaving Mary's house with hand me down clothes because Suzy was demolishing her costume playing with the kiddos. For those of you that know our Suzy.... you know she has come a long way with the whole "being social" thing. To see her play and laugh with other kiddos is such a relief. We worked really, really, really hard to get her more comfortable around other kiddos over the summer. So far things are much better! Small victories :)
Such a great pic! |
The big girls were really helping Suzy get in the spirit of Trick or Treating! |
We may need to get another cart next year! |
Kate and Suzy tackling another house. |
So lucky to have Kate :) |
I think they were all on sugar highs. They ate their candy as we ventured through the neighborhood. |
Lilly and Kate saved the night! Suzy thinks they are absolutely awesome! I need them to live with me. |
When we got home, Suzy crashed five minutes into her nightly show. She was beyond worn out! A great night with great friends!
Gosh, time flies by too fast! I can't believe we just had our 4th Halloween with our Sue Baby. |
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