We always tried to refer to the baby as a brother in hopes that it would talk Suzy into the idea. Most of the time we were immediately corrected and reminded that it was a sister... not a brother. To our surprise, we were discussing the baby one night and Suzy agreed that it was probably an ole stinky boy. We both looked at each other with a completely shocked expression, and moved right along with the conversation. She said, "well, it's going to be a stinky ole brother.... that is solved." Where she gets her language and vocabulary from baffles me. What does she know about anything being "solved"?! I was talking to Mimi about the revelation the following day, and she informed me that Suzy had told her the same thing! Finally, we had talked her into a sibling other than a sister.
Here's the crew for Suzy's gender reveal that Laurie and JoAnne did for us! |
Scott and I struggled with the option of taking/not taking Suzy to the gender appointment last week. We went back and forth weighing our options, but finally decided that we would take her with us. I wanted her to see the baby on the screen, so she would understand more of what was going on with this ever growing belly of mine. We were very hesitant about taking her, because she had been so headstrong about it not being a boy. We figured that she would have a complete meltdown in the ultrasound room if Julie told us it was indeed a boy.
Scott and I took off work last Wednesday, and Suzy stayed home from school. We slept a little later than usual, and got ready to head to Oxford to find out if we were actually having a Sally or not. On the way to Oxford I drank some orange juice, because Suzy didn't want to cooperate when we went to find out her gender. I thought I would make sure that this baby was not sleeping when we tried to find out if it was a he/she. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait a long time to see Julie (ultrasound girl), so Suzy was pleased. As soon as she started the ultrasound she said, "do y'all want to know the gender today?"... OF COURSE WE DO! The baby's booty was straight up and flashing all it's glory for the world to see. As soon as I saw it I told Suzy that I thought she was going to be a very happy girl. A few seconds later Julie confirmed...
It's definitely a GIRL! Suzy's wish came true! Suzy and I were thrilled. I asked Scott what he thought, and he informed me that he had known it was a girl all along. After finding out the gender Suzy was done with the dark, quiet room. Scott took her to Rebel Rags to find himself a new hat while I completed the appointment. We left the doctor's appointment absolutely thrilled!! While we were having lunch, Papaw called to see if we had any news yet. I told him that we did know, and then he started asking questions. I wouldn't answer any of them, so he asked to talk to Suzy. She was so good about keeping it a secret, too! Scott was next in line. Papaw didn't get any information out of us, so he would have to wait along with everyone else!
It seems like it was just yesterday that we found out Suzy was a girl! This was September 2011. |
We decided that we didn't want to have a big gender reveal party or anything this time. We wanted to experience the news together and have time as a family to let it sink in. I am so glad we did. We were on cloud nine all day long! I had our family come over that night for pizza and we told them at the same time. I didn't want anyone to have their feelings hurt if they simply got a text or found out a few minutes later than another person, so the only way I knew to solve that would be to tell them as a group.
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