It's only been an eternity since I sat down at the computer and blogged. I should seriously be ashamed of myself. Kalon always send me links to my past blogs and I smile every time I read them. I used my blog like a baby book for Suzy. It's a crying shame that I have not made time for it since Sally has joined our lives. Speaking of Sally.....
Sally has had quite an interesting month. Two days before Christmas was a day that I will never ever forget. As I was getting "life arranged" to get in the shower that morning I noticed Tim Allen on the TV screen. I realized that The Santa Claus was on at like 8:30 am. I thought it was so weird that it would coming on at such a random time. "Arranging life" entailed getting Sally and a handful of toys to sit inside the doorway of the bathroom and getting Princess Suzy (she had on the most annoying princess dress we own) some milk. It was my normal routine to get them all staged so I could take a shower everyday. As soon as I got in the shower Suzy realized that there was a movie on that had Santa in it. She came and asked if she could put Sally on the bed with her so she could watch the movie with her. I agreed under the condition that she didn't leave the bed while Sally was up there. Within a minute all I heard was Sally screaming bloody murder followed by Suzy screaming bloody murder. I had just lathered my hair up with shampoo, but immediately jumped out of the shower and ran to the door to find neither of the girls sitting on the bed. Suzy had left Sally to go get a t-shirt to replace her itchy princess dress. Sally was probably trying to "follow" Suzy and fell off our bed onto the hardwood floor. Of course, I did what any level headed mom would do.... I PANICKED. I did my very best to get Sally calm, but soon realized that when she would calm down her eyes would roll into the back of her head. She also started vomiting and acting like she was fixing to pass out. I called my mom because I knew she could get here quickly. Something like this has never happened to me, so I didn't know if I should over-react or under-react. When my mom and Memaw got here from their interrupted shopping trip they could tell that something just wasn't right. Sally continued with the lethargic behaviors and vomiting. I called 911 and told them the situation. The nearest ambulance was in Sardis. WHAT?! Sardis?! Are you kidding me?! I knew I had no other option but to wait, because we couldn't put her in a car seat and we didn't know what to do if something started getting worse. I called Scott when I hung up the phone with 911 and I have no idea how he figured out what I was saying, but somehow he translated some information and hauled rear towards home. I called my Dad's shop too. My poor Uncle Ken answered the phone and had no idea what I was trying to say (since then he has informed me that I have to calm down so he can relay the correct messages). While waiting on the ambulance to arrive I did a ton of crying, praying, and holding when I could. I have never been so scared in my life. I seriously thought I was fixing to lose my baby. Suzy was still freaking running around trying to get the itchy dress off. I was so "mad" at her that I just yelled at her, which made matters only worse for her. I regret yelling at her and taking my worry out on her so much. I finally threw some clothes on and got somewhat decent before Senatobia Fire Department arrived. Luckily I am very familiar with the guys that worked that shift. One of them was my neighbor, Ethan. Those guys made this terrible, traumatic experience much less chaotic than it had currently been. They tried checking her, but their gadgets weren't small enough to read her vitals. The ambulance arrived shortly after. They loaded her up and we headed to Baptist DeSoto Emergency Room. By the time we got to Coldwater Sally was acting fine. It was like the spell she was under had passed and she was just a chipper as usual. They did a CAT scan on Sally, which was pure torture for Scott and I to watch. The results showed that she had three skull fractures and a concussion. The Physicians Assistant came in and described all the things that could go wrong within the next 24 hours. My heart sank again and I lost it, AGAIN. Scott had left after the radiologist's report to go home and get us some clothes (they warned that we would likely need to stay for 24 hours for observation) because she was just as happy and normal as could be. The PA informed us that we were going to be transported to LeBonhuer due to the severity and because it was considered an infant trauma situation. I was deflated. I was scared. I was sad because of how I had treated Suzy. I was just a wreck. I am so thankful that Gigi and Pops were with me. They did a wonderful job keeping me somewhat sane. I have the best inlaws in the world. When we got to LeBonhuer it was like a breath of fresh air. Their positivity radiated throughout our room. Our Sally girl was going to be just fine. She did have the fractures and concussions, but since her symptoms had subsided there was no reason to have any worries. They quickly (as quick as hospitals can be) discharged us. I cannot say enough good things about our experience with both hospitals that day. Baptist did a great job, they just weren't certain enough to keep us there. I will admit that they could probably get some "bedside manner" lessons from LeBonhuer, but they were very attentive and we are forever grateful. We felt everyone's prayers that day! I was also very thankful to get home, personally. I was so ready to brush my teeth, put on a bra, and rinse old dry shampoo out of my greasy hair. I am so glad that I thought to grab a jacket. Too bad I forgot gum that day.
This is Sally the night of the accident. You cannot tell she had even been through anything. This is where she should have been perched that morning. Total "mom fail" on my part. She is always parked in this doorway for my showering rituals now :) |
Taking a family photo gets harder and harder!! |
Two nights post accident at Mimi and Papaw's for Christmas Eve!
My favorite picture of Mimi and Papaw with all their girls. Sweet Sara isn't ever very sure about my wild girls. She is always so calm.... my girls are always so very "active"! |
Suzy insisted they take a picture with just Papaw. |
Sally and Sara squeezing a whole lot of chubbiness into Sally's wagon. |
Sally realized quick that 2 fat girls are better off in separate vehicles. |
Would you please look at Sara's face!!! |
Sara's new wheels that Mimi and Papaw got her. |
Sally didn't know that Santa would be bringing her one too!! |
My Aunt LoLo picked Suzy up from my mom that day. They had already scheduled an outing, but due to the situation the time was just a little earlier than anticipated. Suzy and LoLo always do all sorts of awesomely fun things. That night they went to look at Christmas lights in a lighted carriage. They had been to the mall, petting zoo, restaurants, etc. already. Lolo spoils all the babies. A few days after the ordeal I saw Suzy hit Sally in the head with a block. I was flabbergasted.... I asked her what on Earth she was thinking!! She responded, "I just wanted to go back to Lolo's house"...... The girl thought she could send Sally to the ER again I guess. Talk about rewarding negative behaviors!! It's sometimes hysterical to get a glimpse into what a four year old thinks. But, seriously, Suzy has been very over protective of Sally since the incident. She doesn't want to be left in the room alone with her at all and I cannot say I blame her. She definitely knows that I am sorry for my actions towards her that day. I had a lot of explaining to do! I am happy to report that all is well in the Smith House.

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