Suzy in the Sunflowers

Suzy in the Sunflowers

Monday, December 17, 2012

Rub a Dub Dub

She loves playing with the water as it comes from the faucet.
Three men in a tub,
And who do you think they be?
The butcher, the baker,
The candlestick maker,
And all of them going to sea.

For some very strange reason I take a lot of pictures of Suzy while we are in the bathroom. Dana Tiner (my sweet friend from work) thinks that Suzy and I live in the bathroom. Every single picture or video that she gets from me are taken in there. We like the bathroom. One of her very favorite things is taking a bath. Water seems to be her best friend these days.

I was in the bathroom cleaning up the other day and Suzy was “helping” me. When I turned my back to rinse a sponge out she decided that she would climb into the shower. The temptation to shut the glass door to the shower was irresistible. She had a ball in that shower. She looked like a little mime. She really started having fun when she realized she could press her face against the glass.
Free Play Pen

She had enough..The dirt from her toes and the water in the shower were really starting to panic her. She doesn't like to be too messy. She didn't like slipping around in dirty water.
A few nights ago we were playing in the bathroom, yet again. Scott joined in on the fun that night. Before I knew it he had her in the bathtub with him, fully clothed, and they were “pretending”. He didn’t know that I was capturing the moments until it was too late. They were precious. The whole time they were in the tub he was telling her not to turn the water on and swatting her hands away from the handles and spout.
I don't know what they were pretending about, but it sure was cute watching them.
She was trying to figure out how to get the water turned on. She figured it ouf finally!
She ended up being soaking wet before this was over with. It was so funny.

The very same night, about five minutes after the pretending episode, Scott left our bathroom fun. When he came back in to check on us Suzy was still in the tub, but I was letting her have the time of her life. She was still fully dressed and soaking wet. She figured out how to put the stopper down in the tub and how to turn the water on. She had a ball. It was the funniest thing to watch the amazement on her face when the water would pour out of that spout. That cold water didn’t bother her one bit. She would splash it all over her, gasp, smile, scream, laugh, and start the whole process over again. The tub was turned into a Winter Time Swimming Pool. I recorded some of the cutest videos of her. Scott said, “Here I am trying to teach her not to turn the handles and you are letting her”. Mamas are supposed to be more fun, right?!

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